By Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred M. Bumburing
On June 10, 2010 I asked a question in Parliament to the Home Minister asking him to clarify a statement by the Director of National Registration Department in Kota Kinabalu that there is no Malaysian Identity Card issued to illegal immigrant in Sabah. The minister answered to confirm the said statement of the director. He however added that if there are evidence then he welcome it to be submitted to him for his Ministry to act accordingly. I have issued a statement that I will give him the evidence.
I have therefore finalized compiling evidences to prove my statement and have submitted it to the Deputy Minsiter of Home Affairs as the Minister himself was not present in the Dewan seating entitle ‘Memorandum Pembatalan IC Projek Milik Pati Di Sabah’.
I have thus carried out my responsibility as Malaysian in Sabah by providing the Ministry with the documented proof and hope that the Home Ministry will now act accordingly to solve this 30-year old problem.
Much of what I will be saying here is published at
The title of this memorandum is adopted as such with the aspiration that the Federal Government will take concrete action in nullifying all ICs and Mykad issued to foreigners using dubious means. The Issuance of the genuine Mykad is tantamount to granting automatic citizenship to these unqualified immigrants. The whole exercise of issuing Malaysian ICs and Mykad to unqualified body of persons were contrary to the requirement of the Federal Constitution violates the spirit of the formation of Malaysia of which Sabah together wirh Sarawak were signatory. I strongly believe that this exercise was purely for political purposes. In a real sense, these foreigners with genuine Mykad and having been registered as legal voters in Sabah are in fact the actual “Fixed Deposit” in as far as the people of Sabah should be concern about.
I, together with other Members of Parliament from Sabah have tried to raised this issued up in Parliament both by oral as well as written question. However, the short period allocated to us didn’t permit us to obtained the necessary reply from the Ministry concern and thus this issue have been dragged on for a long time without any indication of whether it will be answered or otherwise.
Among others. This memorandum calls for action from the Government to immediately suspend all activities relating the issuance of Malaysian ICs to foreigners and to immediately issued a statement to cancel all Malaysian ICs and Mykad that have been issued in contravention to Section 3, Clause 1, Chapter 14, 15, 16, 18, 19 and 22 of the Federal Constitution and Instrument (Peraturan Pendaftaran) National Registration Department which clearly spelt out the requirement for citizenship to be granted to any individuals. Any deviation or contravention from this clause and chapter is against Article 4 of the Federal Constitution which states as follows: “Perlembagaan ini adalah undang-undang utama Persekutuan dan apa-apa undang-undang yang diluluskan selepas Hari Merdeka dan yang berlawanan dengan Perlembagaan ini hendaklah terbatal setakat yang berlawanan itu.”
These also are in contravention to the 20 Points Agreement which became part and parcel of the Malaysia Agreement which among others, Point 6 and Point 10 refer to Immigration control and Citizenship;
Point 6: Immigration:
Control over immigration into any part of Malaysia from outside should rest with the Central Government but entry into North Borneo should also require the approval of the State Government. The Federal Government should not be able to veto the entry of persons into North Borneo for State Government purposes except on strictly security grounds. North Borneo should have unfettered control over the movements of persons other than those in Federal Government employ from other parts of Malaysia into North Borneo.
Point 10: Citizenship
The recommendation in paragraph 148(k) of the Report of the Cobbold Commission should govern the citizenship rights in the Federation of North Borneo subject to the following amendments:
* a) sub-paragraph (i) should not contain the proviso as to five years residence
* b) in order to tie up with our law, sub-paragraph (ii)(a) should read “7 out of 10 years” instead of “8 out of 10 years”
* c) sub-paragraph (iii) should not contain any restriction tied to the citizenship of parents – a person born in North Borneo after Malaysia must be federal citizen[8]
The Issue of “dubious citizenship” has now become an “Open Secret” and is not only the most discussed topics in coffeshops talk but is being debated widely and openly in the mass media, Sabah State Assembly Meeting, in Parliament and have reached the office of the Prime Minister and the National Palace.
One of the NRD Officers who have been placed under ISA detention is prepared to provide evidence that the national registration Department in Sabah is involved in the issuance of thousands of Project ICs to illegal immigrants between 1991 to 1994. All these years, Sabahans, regardless of political affiliations and religious beliefs have joined hand in combating the illegal immigrants issues by issuing and sending out written and oral protest to the Government and sending those notices even to the knowledge of His Royal Highness the King. This silent protest coming from Sabahans shows that the people are already fed up with the empty promises made by the authorities in trying to solve this 3 decades old menace.
The greatest challenge will be coming from children of these illegal immigrants (PTI) who are undocumented. If we have half a million pairs of PTI having five children each over a period of six years; in fifteen years time we will have almost 3 million adult populations comprising children of illegal immigrants. What is to prevent them from petitioning for a United Nation-sponsored referendum to claim Sabah as their own?
The time to act is now. The Home Ministry and the Malaysian cabinet must consider and approved this memorandum in order to preserve the peace, security and sovereignty of Sabah. This memorandum is a Trust given to me by the people of Sabah to be handed to the Federal Government in order for this issues to be resolved in the wisest and most committed way, and must be solved before the next General Election.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
MP Datuk Wilfred M. Bumburing
Tuaran (26 Oktober 2010 Di Dewan Parlimen)
Pada keseluruhannya saya mengalu-alukan belanjawan tahun 2011. Walau bagai mana pun saya kecewa kerana tiada penekanan kepada satu masaalah utama yang dihadapi oleh Sabah ia itu masaalah pendatang tanpa izin-PTI, seolah-olah masaalah ini tidak wujud. Saya juga kecewa kerana masaalah PTI ini tidak pun termasuk dalam NKRA kerajaan. Apa bila kita tanya kerajaan mengenai perkara ini jawapan yang kita terima ialah kerana masaalah ini tidak di anggap sangat penting. Sudah sekian lama kita tekan kan bahawa kehadiran PTI di Sabah telah menyebabkan bebagai masaalah termasuk, JENAYAH, EKONOMI, SOSIAL, KESELAMATAN DAN POLITIK. Dalam soal jenayah, tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa kebanayakan kes jenayah termasuk pembunuhan, rompakan, ragut, kecurian, rogol, dadah, pencemaran dan pengeboman laut di sekeliling Sabah adalah melibatkan pendatang tanpa izin. Mereka ini telah membawa budaya mereka ke Sabah dan sudah mula mempengaruhi generasi muda di Sabah dengan ‘ culture of violence’ atau budaya kegenasan mereka.
Fabrik sosial di Sabah sekarang ini sudah jauh berubah sejak beberapa dekad kebelakangan ini di sebabkan kehadiran pendatang tanpa izin. Di sesetengah pekan di Sabah orang tempatan sudah tidak berani untuk masuk tempat-tempat tertentu kerana kehadiran pendatang tanpa izin yang begitu ramai. Saya ambil contoh di kawasan saya, Tuaran. Dalam sebuah perumahan di mana bekas setingaan dari daerah Kota Kinabalu ditempatkan, kita terima keluhan penduduk tempatan yang tinggal di sana bahawa gejala dadah, arak dan jenayah sudah menjular dan mempengaruhi orang-orang muda. Saya dimaklumkan bahawa arak dijual secara terbuka oleh mereka yang tidak mempuyai lessen untuk menjual dan penjualnya juga adalah orang asing yang memegang MYkad. Saya terus mohon kementrian dalam negeri menyiasat perkara ini kerana perkembangan ini sangat merunsingkan.
Saya sedar bahawa perkara ini sudah dibawa ke dewan ini sejak beberapa lama sudah. Walau bagai mana pun selagi tidak ada penyelesaian yang jelas dan terbukti maka selaku ahli parliarmen dari Sabah adalah menjadi tanggung jawab saya untuk terus meminta kepada kerajaan untuk mengambil tindakan penyelesaian.
Saya telah bertanya dalam dewan ini dalam sessi yang lalu sama ada benar bahawa ada kad warganegara di beri kepada orang asing di Sabah. Jawapan yang saya terima ialah tiada dan Menteri Dalam Negeri mengatakan bahawa kalau ada bukti beliau minta diberikan kepada beliau. Saya ingin memaklumkan bahawa perkara sedang dibuat. Saya minta supaya apabila bukti itu disampaikan tindakan perlu diambil segera.
Saya terbaca kenyataan ketua polis di Keningau yang tersiar dalam berita tempatan pada 6hb Oktober 2010 (QUOTE). Kenapa orang Indonesia dan orang Philipina mempuyai MYKAD, bagai mana mereka memperolehi MYAD Ini. Kenapa orang asing yang tidak ada dokumen boleh dijamin oleh majikan? (UNQUOTE) Saya minta Menteri Dalam Negeri menjelaskan perkara ini. Kita tahu ini melibatkan kedaulatan negara kita dan tidak boleh dianggap reme. Adakah kementerian mengambil tindakan terhadap ketua polis berkenaan kerana gagal mengambil tindakan yang sepatutnya demi mepertahankan undang-undang dan kedaulatan Negara.
Saya meneliti dalam buku belanjawan saya tidak melihat apa peruntukan khusus untuk menyelesaikan perkara ini. Setiap kali pertanyaan dibentang dalam dewan ini jawapan yang kita terima ialah saperti biasa saja tanpa menawarkan apa-apa perancanagan yang khusus. Saya minta agar kerajaan memberi penjelasan dalam perkara ini.
Saya sangat mengalu-alukan hasrat kerajaan untuk menyediakan Unit Khas Bergerak Jabatan Pendaftaran negara untuk mendaftar rakyat di kawasan pendalaman Sabah dan Sarawak. Masih banyak rakyat di Sabah yang belum mempunyai MYKAD. Timbalan Menteri Pembangunan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah yang berasal dari Sarawak mengumumkan bahawa 40,000 rakyat di Sarawak masih belum mempunyai MYKAD dan 30,000 yang tidak mempuyai surat beranak dan MYKAD. Keadaan ini sangat menyedihkan dan kerajaan haruslah memberi tumpuan kepada perkara ini kerana mereka yang tiada dokumen ini menghadapi berbagai masaalah dan ternafi dari hak seperti mana rakyat yang lain nikmati. Selain daripada ini masih ada rakyat Malaysia di Sabah yang masih memegang kad merah. Mereka berusaha bertahun-tahun untuk memohon kewarganegaraan tetapi terumbang- ambing dari jabatan Pendaftaran di Kota Kinabalu dan Putrajaya. Kenapa ini berlaku sedangkan orang asing dari Philipina dan Indonesia dengan senang dapat MYKAD seperti yang tersiar di Keningau.
Saya mengalu-alukan kenyataan Perdana Menteri ia itu “kejayaan menuntut kepada perubahan dan pembaharuan” dan ia tidak boleh lagi berdikit-dikit tetapi menghambat lonjakan mega.” Seterusnya beliau mengatakan bahawa “Perubahan bukan lagi sebagai satu opsyen tetapi satu imperatif”
Pendirian saya dalam perkara ini ialah perubahan yang sangat penting ialah sikap setiap rakyat Malaysia terhadap sesama sendiri, ianya perubahan dari pada sikap terperangkap kepompong perkauman kepada sikap kekitaan yang mantap. A STRONG SENSE OF BELONGING. Kita harus menerima semua kaum sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang sabenarnya, tanpa ada perasaan dan tanggapan bahawa ada pihak yang lebih berhak dari yang lain. Apa yang perlu ditekan ialah membantu golongan rakyat Malaysia mundur, terpinggir dan miskin tanpa mengira bangsa dan keturunan.
Kita telah merdeka selama 50 tahun. Dalam satu dua dekad yang lalu saya perhatikan perpaduan rakyat Malaysia sudah baik. Program saperti “Kongsi Raya” disambut baik oleh rakyat dan telah wujud perasaan baik “good feeling” di kalangan rakyat Malaysia. Tetapi pada hari ini suasana ini tidak terasa lagi.
YAB Perdana Menteri mencetuskan gagasan 1 Malaysia untuk tujuan menyatupadukan rakyat. “Think Malaysian first”. Namun jelas ada pihak yang tidak menerima ajakan Perdana Menteri ini. Jika sekiranya keadaan ini tidak berubah kepada yang baik, saya khuatir apa juga program yang di atur oleh kerajaan tidak mendapat kejayaan sepenuhnya.
Saya tekankan soal perpaduan ini kerana perubahan inilah yang paling penting dari segala-gala perubahan.
Dalam usaha kita untuk membangun ekonomi Negara satu faktor yang sangat penting ialah Modal Insan. Kalau pun Negara kita mempunyai sumber yang banyak, tetapi kalau kita tidak mempunyai modal insan yang mahir dan terlatih maka sumber tersebut tidak dapat digunapakai dan diurus secara optimum. Kita harus belajar daripada contoh dari Negara yang tidak mempunyai sumber tetapi dengan sumber manusia yang mahir Negara-negara tersebut talah maju, seperti Jepun dan Singapura. Negara Jepun telah kalah dalam peperangan dan tidak mempunyai sumber semula jadi tetapi dengan perancangan yang baik dalam melatih sumber manusia, dan dengan rakyat yang bersatu padu maka Jepun mampu timbul sebagai satu Negara yang maju dan dihormati.
Adalah sangat penting juga untuk mempastikan agar tenaga manusia yang terlatih dan mahir terus tetap dalam Negara kita. Brain drain yang berlaku dalam tahap yang tidak terkawal akan menyebabkan kerugian kepada Negara. Adalah dianggarkan sebanyak 300,000 hingga 1 juta rakyat Malaysia bekerja di luar Negara. Dan separuh daripaada jumlah ini adalah graduan. Kerajaan perlu untuk mengkaji sebab kenapa begitu ramai rakyat Malaysia yang keluar untuk berkerja. Adakah ianya disebabkan hanya untuk mengejar gaji yang tinggi? Atau adakah suasana bekerja di Negara kita tidak menawar suasana bekerja yang baik untuk mereka? Ada sesetengah pihak yang memberi komen bahawa kalau mereka tidak suka bekerja di Malaysia biarlah mereka pergi keluar. Pendirian ini adalah sangat sempit serta tidak mengambil kira betapa kerugian Negara apabila ramai pekerja yang keluar ke Negara lain untuk bekerja. Ada juga maklumat yang kita dengar bahawa salah satu sebab mereka ini keluar ialah suasana bekerja di Negara ini tidak membolehkan “the best brain” untuk maju, ia itu terdapat unsur diskriminasi dan sebagainya. Kerajaan perlu mengambil langkah untuk memperbaiki sistem pekerjaan di Negara ini supaya pekerja merasa selesa dan mempunyai perasaan dan semangat kekitaan. Kalau tidak peruntukan kerajaan yang berbillion ringgit untuk pendidikan dan latihan tidak akan mencapai matlamatnya.
Berkaitan dengan pendidikan juga adalah sangat penting adanya para pendidik yang professional. Saya ingin tahu apakah rasioanalnya langkah kerajaan membenarkan guru-guru dalam pangkat kanan untuk melibatkan diri dalam politik? Bukankah lebih baik guru-guru ini menumpu seluruh masa dan perhatian terhadap soal pendidikan? Penglibatan mereka dalam politik akan banyak menggangu profesionisme mereka dan akan mewujudkan para guru dan pendidik yang cenderung kepada politik mereka. Maka akan wujudlah kes di mana guru besar yang mengeluarkan kenyataan sensitif seperti di Johor. Syabas kepada YAB Perdana Menteri kerana beliau berpendirian bahawa “ PENDIDIKAN ITU HARUSLAH LAMPAU POLITIK-EDUCATION MUST BE APOLITICAL”.
Saya telah sentuh tentang isu perpaduan awal tadi. Memandangkan keadaan semasa yang agak merunsingkan saya ingin cadangkan agar kerajaan memperkenalkan mata pelajaran yang ada kaitan dengan perpaduan di peringkat awal dalam pendidikan. Di peringkat kanak-kanaklah yang sebaik-baiknya kita menyemaikan semangat perpaduan dan semangat saling hormat menghormati antara kaum. Program REMUP yang diperkenalkan oleh jabatan Pendidikan adalah baik tetapi saya kira belum mencukupi.
Saya mengucapkan tahniah dan terima kasih kepada kerajaan oleh kerana terus memberi bantuan kepada sekolah-sekolah bukan kerajaan saperti sekolah agama, sekolah Tamil, sekolah Cina dan Sekolah Missionaries. Dengan peruntukan sebanyak RM250 juta kerajaan terus memperakui peranan penting institusi-institusi ini kepada pendidkan di Negara ini.
Saya juga alu-alukan penubuhan Amanah Hartanah Bumiputra dengan tabung 1b billion ringgit. Dalam Model Ekonomi Baru kerajaan mengambil pendekatan liberal dalam pemilikan modal dalam ekonomi Negara. Namun usaha masih diperlukan untuk membantu bumiputra untuk turut memiliki dalam hartanah utama dalam Negara. Saya hanya memohon kepada kerajaan agar peluang ini dibagi secara menyeluruh di kalangan kaum bumiputra dalam Negara terutama sekali di Sabah dan Sarawak yang mana penglibatan kaum bumiputra tempatan dalam perniagaan sangat minima dan impak DEB tidak ketara.
Dalam belanjawan, kerajaan bercadang untuk membina Pusat Perkhidmatan Dan Peralatan Minyak bernilai RM6 billion di Johor dan Projek Regasification bernilai RM3billion di Melaka. Sabah adalah antara penyumbang pendapatan minyak oleh Petronas. Kenapa tidak dipertimbangkan untuk mendirikan salah satu projek ini di Sabah sebagai menghargai sumbangan Sabah. Saya merayu kepada kerajaan supaya mengagi-agihkan pelaburan di seluruh Negara terutama wilayah yang mundur supaya ianya menjadi pemangkin pertumbuhan ekonomi negeri tersebut.
Saya mengalu-alukan kommitmen kerajaan untuk memajukan teknoloji hijau. Dengan keadaan bekalan tenaga letrik yang di Sabah yang begitu bermasaalah saya mengesah kerajaan untuk mengalakkan syarikat yang berminat untuk melabur dalam projek penjanaan letrik yang menggunakan kaedah bio-mas yang banyak terdapat di Sabah dan solar harvest. Penyiapan projek saperti ini adalah lebih cepat berbanding dengan projek Loji janakuasa Kitar Padu Gas 300 mega watt di Kimanis supaya masaalh bekalan letrik dapat di atasi dengan segera.
Masaalah utama yang di hadapi di Sabah ialah pengeluaran padi yang begitu rendah ia itu hanya sebanyak 30%. Ini disebabkan pertumbuhan penduduk berikutan dengan kehadiran pendatang tanpa izin yang begitu ramai. Saya mengalu-alukan program kerajaan persekutuan untuk membangun kawasan padi di Sabah yang mana sekarang ini sedang berjalan dan saya berharap perlaksanaannya dipercepatkan dan terus diberi peruntukan.
Tan Sri Speaker
Dalam ucapan belanjawannya Perdana Menteri telah mengatakan bahawa kerajaan, dalam usaha untuk mewujudkan ekonomi perpendpatan tinggi, menggalakkan petani menceburi dalam bidang pertanian bernilai tinggi. Saya tertarik dengan dua bidang yang telah di sentuh ia itu INDUSTRI SARANG BURUNG WALIT DAN HERBA.
Kerajaan telah mncadangkan peruntukan sebanyak RM135 juta untuk industri ini tetapi belum ada dasar kerajaan yang menyeluruh yang menyelia dan mengawal industri ini. Pada hari ini sudah begitu ramai pihak yang telah menceburi dalam perusahan ini di seluruh Negara ini. Bangunan burung walit tumbuh di sana sini termasuklah di pekan dan Bandar di mana kedai komersial ditukar mejadi rumah burung sehingalah menyebabkan ada pihak yang membantah. Ramai yang menceburi perusahan ini kerana ianya menguntungkan, jauh lebih menguntungkan berbanding dengan perusahan pertanian yang lain saperti sawit, getah dan yang lain-lain. Yang istemewa dalam industri ini ialah, pengusaha bukan keluar untuk mencari hasil tetapi burung walit yang datang membawa hasil kepada pengusaha. Kos pengendalian adalah sangat minima kerana burung walit tidak paya diberi makan dan kawasan tanah yang diperlu ialah kecil sahaja.
Maklumat dari pengusaha-pengusaha menunjukkan bahawa pendapatan dari industri ini sangat lumayan; saya buat perbandingan:
Sawit 1 ekar menhasil 1 Ton Harga RM700/bln RM8,400
Burung Walit 20’ X 70’ menhasil 1 KG HargaRM4,500 / RM54,000
Saya telah melawat beberapa rumah burung di Negeri Sembilan baru-baru ini dan mengikut keterangan dari pengusaha satu pintu kedai sarang burung, ianya menhasilkan 4-5 kg sebulan dengan pendapatan RM22,500 sebulan. Pengusaha memaklumkan saya hasil pendapatan ini membolehkan beliau mampu membawa keluarga beliau melancung setiap tahun.
Maklumat yang kita terima menunjukkan bahawa hasil pengeluaran seluruh Negara pada masa ini ialah sebanyak 243 ton dengan nilai sebanyak RM1.093 billion dan berpotensi untuk berkembang dengan kadar sekurang-kurangnya 30% setahun dan pada tahun 2015 industri ini akan memberi pulangan pendapatan sebanyak RM4.059 billion. Negeri pengeluar terbesar sekarang ini ialah negeri Pahang dengan keluaran sebanyak 35 ton. Saya difahamkan industri ini pantas berkembang di Sarawak.
Seperti yang saya katakan tadi pada masa ini tidak ada undang-undang atau akta yang menyelia industri ini. Apa yang berlaku ialah beberapa agensi kerajaan yang terlibat menyelia industri ini saperti Jabatan Pertanian, Hutan dan Haiwan dan Hidupan Liar mengikut kesesuian negeri masing masing. Potensi industry ini sangat menggalakan bukan saja dari segi pelaburan dalam negeri tetapi juga pelaburan dari luar negeri dan juga kesan over-flownya luas dari segi pembinaan, pelancungan, pekerjaan dan sebagainya.
Oleh yang demikian saya ingin membuat beberapa cadangan kepada kerajaan:
Menubuh satu undang-undang khas untuk industri ini.
Memberi masa 10-15 tahun kepada kedai dalam Bandar yang digunakan sebagai sarang burung supaya mereka mempunyai masa untuk melabur di kawasan Luar Bandar.
Menghentikan penggunaan kedai baru untuk mengelak masalah berlaku.
Menyelia perusahan dari segi kebersihan
Memberi sokongan saperti bebas cukai pendapatan dalam beberapa tahun saperti mana yang diberi kepada pelabur asing yang melabur dalam sektor tertentu dulu.
Mengurangkan cukai eksport buat beberapa ketika.
R & D & C
Peruntukan sebanyak RM411 untuk R & D adalah sangat dialu-alukan. Saya berharap bantuan ini juga dipanjangkan kepada pihak swasta dan perseorangan yang telah menceburi dalam bidang ini. Saya ingin menyentuh satu perkara dalam hal ini ia itu keraguan oleh setengah pihak ke atas hasil R&D mereka. Ada terdapat kes di mana apabila mereka ini diminta untuk mengemukakan hasil penemuan mereka kepada pihak sirim, teknologi mereka dicolek atau dihijack dan diberi kepada pihak yang lain. Ini menyebabkan mereka enggan tampil ke depan untuk mengemukan penghasilan mereka kepada kerajaan. Saya minta pihak pihak kerajaan mengambil perhatian terhadap perkara ini dan mengambil tindakan yang sesuai untuk mempastikan hasil kajian yang berkenaan terjamin dan selamat. Kalau perkara ini tidak ditangani maka saya khuatir pihak yang berkenaan enggan unutk tampil ke depan untuk mengemukakan hasil kajian mereka.
Saya ingin menyentuh beberapa perkara secara khusus dan ringkas.
RM2.1 billion untuk menaik taraf jalan raya Sabah dan Sarawak.
Saya berharap cadangan projek jalan raya dan bekalan letrik yang dikenalpasti dalam senarai NKRA dilaksanakan tahun depan. Salepas 50 tahun merdeka masih ada kampung yang belum ada jalan raya dan beberapa kampung yang belum menikmati bekalan letrik.
RM297 juta bagi penanaman klon sawit bermutu tinggi.
Saya menyeru kepada Kerajaan supaya mana-mana klon sawit bermutu tinggi yang dihasilkan sama ada oleh institut kerajaan atau pun syarikat swasta diberi lesen untuk menjual dengan kadar segera supaya pekebun tempatan dapat menikmati hasilnya. Kalau mereka tidak diberi lesen maka saya khuatir benih-benih ini jatuh ke negara asing dan negara kita akan ketinggalan.
Harga getah berbeza antara Sabah dengan semenanjung.
Saya minta kerajaan persekutuan untuk membuat sesuatu bagi menyelesaikan masalah perbezaan harga getah antara Sabah dan Semenanjung Malaysia. Keadaan ini sudah lama wujud dan kerajaan negeri dan persekutuan tidak dapat memberi penjelasan yang memuaskan kenapa ini berlaku begitu lama. Penduduk Sabah berdepan dengan harga barang pengguna yang lebih tinggi tetapi pada masa yang sama menerima harga getah yang rendah. Sudah tiba masanya kerajaan kerajaan persekutuan campur tangan dalam hal ini.
Petani getah di Sabah juga menghadapi masalah dalam jualan hasil getah mereka di mana pihak Lembaga Industri Getah Sabah begitu lambat membayar harga getah sehingga dua minggu. Saya menerima aduan dari orang ramai yang mengeluh mengenai tiada wang kerana pembayaran kepada hasil jualan getah mereka lambat dibayar. Saya dimaklumkan bahawa sehingga bulan Oktober 2010 LIGS berhutang kepada petani dengan jumlah RM451,000. Kenapa ini berlaku? Adakah LIGS mepunyai masaalah cash-flow?
Kedua-dua masaalah yang saya sebut tadi sudah cukup menjadi alasan supaya pasaran getah di Sabah di buka luas secara competitive dan keistimewaan monopoli LIGS dihentikan. Bukankah slogan kita ialah rakyat didahulukan?
Banyak lagi yang saya ingin sampaikan tetapi biarlah saya sentuh dalam peringkat jawatan kuasa nanti.
Sekian saya mohon menyokong
Tuaran (26 Oktober 2010 Di Dewan Parlimen)
Pada keseluruhannya saya mengalu-alukan belanjawan tahun 2011. Walau bagai mana pun saya kecewa kerana tiada penekanan kepada satu masaalah utama yang dihadapi oleh Sabah ia itu masaalah pendatang tanpa izin-PTI, seolah-olah masaalah ini tidak wujud. Saya juga kecewa kerana masaalah PTI ini tidak pun termasuk dalam NKRA kerajaan. Apa bila kita tanya kerajaan mengenai perkara ini jawapan yang kita terima ialah kerana masaalah ini tidak di anggap sangat penting. Sudah sekian lama kita tekan kan bahawa kehadiran PTI di Sabah telah menyebabkan bebagai masaalah termasuk, JENAYAH, EKONOMI, SOSIAL, KESELAMATAN DAN POLITIK. Dalam soal jenayah, tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa kebanayakan kes jenayah termasuk pembunuhan, rompakan, ragut, kecurian, rogol, dadah, pencemaran dan pengeboman laut di sekeliling Sabah adalah melibatkan pendatang tanpa izin. Mereka ini telah membawa budaya mereka ke Sabah dan sudah mula mempengaruhi generasi muda di Sabah dengan ‘ culture of violence’ atau budaya kegenasan mereka.
Fabrik sosial di Sabah sekarang ini sudah jauh berubah sejak beberapa dekad kebelakangan ini di sebabkan kehadiran pendatang tanpa izin. Di sesetengah pekan di Sabah orang tempatan sudah tidak berani untuk masuk tempat-tempat tertentu kerana kehadiran pendatang tanpa izin yang begitu ramai. Saya ambil contoh di kawasan saya, Tuaran. Dalam sebuah perumahan di mana bekas setingaan dari daerah Kota Kinabalu ditempatkan, kita terima keluhan penduduk tempatan yang tinggal di sana bahawa gejala dadah, arak dan jenayah sudah menjular dan mempengaruhi orang-orang muda. Saya dimaklumkan bahawa arak dijual secara terbuka oleh mereka yang tidak mempuyai lessen untuk menjual dan penjualnya juga adalah orang asing yang memegang MYkad. Saya terus mohon kementrian dalam negeri menyiasat perkara ini kerana perkembangan ini sangat merunsingkan.
Saya sedar bahawa perkara ini sudah dibawa ke dewan ini sejak beberapa lama sudah. Walau bagai mana pun selagi tidak ada penyelesaian yang jelas dan terbukti maka selaku ahli parliarmen dari Sabah adalah menjadi tanggung jawab saya untuk terus meminta kepada kerajaan untuk mengambil tindakan penyelesaian.
Saya telah bertanya dalam dewan ini dalam sessi yang lalu sama ada benar bahawa ada kad warganegara di beri kepada orang asing di Sabah. Jawapan yang saya terima ialah tiada dan Menteri Dalam Negeri mengatakan bahawa kalau ada bukti beliau minta diberikan kepada beliau. Saya ingin memaklumkan bahawa perkara sedang dibuat. Saya minta supaya apabila bukti itu disampaikan tindakan perlu diambil segera.
Saya terbaca kenyataan ketua polis di Keningau yang tersiar dalam berita tempatan pada 6hb Oktober 2010 (QUOTE). Kenapa orang Indonesia dan orang Philipina mempuyai MYKAD, bagai mana mereka memperolehi MYAD Ini. Kenapa orang asing yang tidak ada dokumen boleh dijamin oleh majikan? (UNQUOTE) Saya minta Menteri Dalam Negeri menjelaskan perkara ini. Kita tahu ini melibatkan kedaulatan negara kita dan tidak boleh dianggap reme. Adakah kementerian mengambil tindakan terhadap ketua polis berkenaan kerana gagal mengambil tindakan yang sepatutnya demi mepertahankan undang-undang dan kedaulatan Negara.
Saya meneliti dalam buku belanjawan saya tidak melihat apa peruntukan khusus untuk menyelesaikan perkara ini. Setiap kali pertanyaan dibentang dalam dewan ini jawapan yang kita terima ialah saperti biasa saja tanpa menawarkan apa-apa perancanagan yang khusus. Saya minta agar kerajaan memberi penjelasan dalam perkara ini.
Saya sangat mengalu-alukan hasrat kerajaan untuk menyediakan Unit Khas Bergerak Jabatan Pendaftaran negara untuk mendaftar rakyat di kawasan pendalaman Sabah dan Sarawak. Masih banyak rakyat di Sabah yang belum mempunyai MYKAD. Timbalan Menteri Pembangunan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah yang berasal dari Sarawak mengumumkan bahawa 40,000 rakyat di Sarawak masih belum mempunyai MYKAD dan 30,000 yang tidak mempuyai surat beranak dan MYKAD. Keadaan ini sangat menyedihkan dan kerajaan haruslah memberi tumpuan kepada perkara ini kerana mereka yang tiada dokumen ini menghadapi berbagai masaalah dan ternafi dari hak seperti mana rakyat yang lain nikmati. Selain daripada ini masih ada rakyat Malaysia di Sabah yang masih memegang kad merah. Mereka berusaha bertahun-tahun untuk memohon kewarganegaraan tetapi terumbang- ambing dari jabatan Pendaftaran di Kota Kinabalu dan Putrajaya. Kenapa ini berlaku sedangkan orang asing dari Philipina dan Indonesia dengan senang dapat MYKAD seperti yang tersiar di Keningau.
Saya mengalu-alukan kenyataan Perdana Menteri ia itu “kejayaan menuntut kepada perubahan dan pembaharuan” dan ia tidak boleh lagi berdikit-dikit tetapi menghambat lonjakan mega.” Seterusnya beliau mengatakan bahawa “Perubahan bukan lagi sebagai satu opsyen tetapi satu imperatif”
Pendirian saya dalam perkara ini ialah perubahan yang sangat penting ialah sikap setiap rakyat Malaysia terhadap sesama sendiri, ianya perubahan dari pada sikap terperangkap kepompong perkauman kepada sikap kekitaan yang mantap. A STRONG SENSE OF BELONGING. Kita harus menerima semua kaum sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang sabenarnya, tanpa ada perasaan dan tanggapan bahawa ada pihak yang lebih berhak dari yang lain. Apa yang perlu ditekan ialah membantu golongan rakyat Malaysia mundur, terpinggir dan miskin tanpa mengira bangsa dan keturunan.
Kita telah merdeka selama 50 tahun. Dalam satu dua dekad yang lalu saya perhatikan perpaduan rakyat Malaysia sudah baik. Program saperti “Kongsi Raya” disambut baik oleh rakyat dan telah wujud perasaan baik “good feeling” di kalangan rakyat Malaysia. Tetapi pada hari ini suasana ini tidak terasa lagi.
YAB Perdana Menteri mencetuskan gagasan 1 Malaysia untuk tujuan menyatupadukan rakyat. “Think Malaysian first”. Namun jelas ada pihak yang tidak menerima ajakan Perdana Menteri ini. Jika sekiranya keadaan ini tidak berubah kepada yang baik, saya khuatir apa juga program yang di atur oleh kerajaan tidak mendapat kejayaan sepenuhnya.
Saya tekankan soal perpaduan ini kerana perubahan inilah yang paling penting dari segala-gala perubahan.
Dalam usaha kita untuk membangun ekonomi Negara satu faktor yang sangat penting ialah Modal Insan. Kalau pun Negara kita mempunyai sumber yang banyak, tetapi kalau kita tidak mempunyai modal insan yang mahir dan terlatih maka sumber tersebut tidak dapat digunapakai dan diurus secara optimum. Kita harus belajar daripada contoh dari Negara yang tidak mempunyai sumber tetapi dengan sumber manusia yang mahir Negara-negara tersebut talah maju, seperti Jepun dan Singapura. Negara Jepun telah kalah dalam peperangan dan tidak mempunyai sumber semula jadi tetapi dengan perancangan yang baik dalam melatih sumber manusia, dan dengan rakyat yang bersatu padu maka Jepun mampu timbul sebagai satu Negara yang maju dan dihormati.
Adalah sangat penting juga untuk mempastikan agar tenaga manusia yang terlatih dan mahir terus tetap dalam Negara kita. Brain drain yang berlaku dalam tahap yang tidak terkawal akan menyebabkan kerugian kepada Negara. Adalah dianggarkan sebanyak 300,000 hingga 1 juta rakyat Malaysia bekerja di luar Negara. Dan separuh daripaada jumlah ini adalah graduan. Kerajaan perlu untuk mengkaji sebab kenapa begitu ramai rakyat Malaysia yang keluar untuk berkerja. Adakah ianya disebabkan hanya untuk mengejar gaji yang tinggi? Atau adakah suasana bekerja di Negara kita tidak menawar suasana bekerja yang baik untuk mereka? Ada sesetengah pihak yang memberi komen bahawa kalau mereka tidak suka bekerja di Malaysia biarlah mereka pergi keluar. Pendirian ini adalah sangat sempit serta tidak mengambil kira betapa kerugian Negara apabila ramai pekerja yang keluar ke Negara lain untuk bekerja. Ada juga maklumat yang kita dengar bahawa salah satu sebab mereka ini keluar ialah suasana bekerja di Negara ini tidak membolehkan “the best brain” untuk maju, ia itu terdapat unsur diskriminasi dan sebagainya. Kerajaan perlu mengambil langkah untuk memperbaiki sistem pekerjaan di Negara ini supaya pekerja merasa selesa dan mempunyai perasaan dan semangat kekitaan. Kalau tidak peruntukan kerajaan yang berbillion ringgit untuk pendidikan dan latihan tidak akan mencapai matlamatnya.
Berkaitan dengan pendidikan juga adalah sangat penting adanya para pendidik yang professional. Saya ingin tahu apakah rasioanalnya langkah kerajaan membenarkan guru-guru dalam pangkat kanan untuk melibatkan diri dalam politik? Bukankah lebih baik guru-guru ini menumpu seluruh masa dan perhatian terhadap soal pendidikan? Penglibatan mereka dalam politik akan banyak menggangu profesionisme mereka dan akan mewujudkan para guru dan pendidik yang cenderung kepada politik mereka. Maka akan wujudlah kes di mana guru besar yang mengeluarkan kenyataan sensitif seperti di Johor. Syabas kepada YAB Perdana Menteri kerana beliau berpendirian bahawa “ PENDIDIKAN ITU HARUSLAH LAMPAU POLITIK-EDUCATION MUST BE APOLITICAL”.
Saya telah sentuh tentang isu perpaduan awal tadi. Memandangkan keadaan semasa yang agak merunsingkan saya ingin cadangkan agar kerajaan memperkenalkan mata pelajaran yang ada kaitan dengan perpaduan di peringkat awal dalam pendidikan. Di peringkat kanak-kanaklah yang sebaik-baiknya kita menyemaikan semangat perpaduan dan semangat saling hormat menghormati antara kaum. Program REMUP yang diperkenalkan oleh jabatan Pendidikan adalah baik tetapi saya kira belum mencukupi.
Saya mengucapkan tahniah dan terima kasih kepada kerajaan oleh kerana terus memberi bantuan kepada sekolah-sekolah bukan kerajaan saperti sekolah agama, sekolah Tamil, sekolah Cina dan Sekolah Missionaries. Dengan peruntukan sebanyak RM250 juta kerajaan terus memperakui peranan penting institusi-institusi ini kepada pendidkan di Negara ini.
Saya juga alu-alukan penubuhan Amanah Hartanah Bumiputra dengan tabung 1b billion ringgit. Dalam Model Ekonomi Baru kerajaan mengambil pendekatan liberal dalam pemilikan modal dalam ekonomi Negara. Namun usaha masih diperlukan untuk membantu bumiputra untuk turut memiliki dalam hartanah utama dalam Negara. Saya hanya memohon kepada kerajaan agar peluang ini dibagi secara menyeluruh di kalangan kaum bumiputra dalam Negara terutama sekali di Sabah dan Sarawak yang mana penglibatan kaum bumiputra tempatan dalam perniagaan sangat minima dan impak DEB tidak ketara.
Dalam belanjawan, kerajaan bercadang untuk membina Pusat Perkhidmatan Dan Peralatan Minyak bernilai RM6 billion di Johor dan Projek Regasification bernilai RM3billion di Melaka. Sabah adalah antara penyumbang pendapatan minyak oleh Petronas. Kenapa tidak dipertimbangkan untuk mendirikan salah satu projek ini di Sabah sebagai menghargai sumbangan Sabah. Saya merayu kepada kerajaan supaya mengagi-agihkan pelaburan di seluruh Negara terutama wilayah yang mundur supaya ianya menjadi pemangkin pertumbuhan ekonomi negeri tersebut.
Saya mengalu-alukan kommitmen kerajaan untuk memajukan teknoloji hijau. Dengan keadaan bekalan tenaga letrik yang di Sabah yang begitu bermasaalah saya mengesah kerajaan untuk mengalakkan syarikat yang berminat untuk melabur dalam projek penjanaan letrik yang menggunakan kaedah bio-mas yang banyak terdapat di Sabah dan solar harvest. Penyiapan projek saperti ini adalah lebih cepat berbanding dengan projek Loji janakuasa Kitar Padu Gas 300 mega watt di Kimanis supaya masaalh bekalan letrik dapat di atasi dengan segera.
Masaalah utama yang di hadapi di Sabah ialah pengeluaran padi yang begitu rendah ia itu hanya sebanyak 30%. Ini disebabkan pertumbuhan penduduk berikutan dengan kehadiran pendatang tanpa izin yang begitu ramai. Saya mengalu-alukan program kerajaan persekutuan untuk membangun kawasan padi di Sabah yang mana sekarang ini sedang berjalan dan saya berharap perlaksanaannya dipercepatkan dan terus diberi peruntukan.
Tan Sri Speaker
Dalam ucapan belanjawannya Perdana Menteri telah mengatakan bahawa kerajaan, dalam usaha untuk mewujudkan ekonomi perpendpatan tinggi, menggalakkan petani menceburi dalam bidang pertanian bernilai tinggi. Saya tertarik dengan dua bidang yang telah di sentuh ia itu INDUSTRI SARANG BURUNG WALIT DAN HERBA.
Kerajaan telah mncadangkan peruntukan sebanyak RM135 juta untuk industri ini tetapi belum ada dasar kerajaan yang menyeluruh yang menyelia dan mengawal industri ini. Pada hari ini sudah begitu ramai pihak yang telah menceburi dalam perusahan ini di seluruh Negara ini. Bangunan burung walit tumbuh di sana sini termasuklah di pekan dan Bandar di mana kedai komersial ditukar mejadi rumah burung sehingalah menyebabkan ada pihak yang membantah. Ramai yang menceburi perusahan ini kerana ianya menguntungkan, jauh lebih menguntungkan berbanding dengan perusahan pertanian yang lain saperti sawit, getah dan yang lain-lain. Yang istemewa dalam industri ini ialah, pengusaha bukan keluar untuk mencari hasil tetapi burung walit yang datang membawa hasil kepada pengusaha. Kos pengendalian adalah sangat minima kerana burung walit tidak paya diberi makan dan kawasan tanah yang diperlu ialah kecil sahaja.
Maklumat dari pengusaha-pengusaha menunjukkan bahawa pendapatan dari industri ini sangat lumayan; saya buat perbandingan:
Sawit 1 ekar menhasil 1 Ton Harga RM700/bln RM8,400
Burung Walit 20’ X 70’ menhasil 1 KG HargaRM4,500 / RM54,000
Saya telah melawat beberapa rumah burung di Negeri Sembilan baru-baru ini dan mengikut keterangan dari pengusaha satu pintu kedai sarang burung, ianya menhasilkan 4-5 kg sebulan dengan pendapatan RM22,500 sebulan. Pengusaha memaklumkan saya hasil pendapatan ini membolehkan beliau mampu membawa keluarga beliau melancung setiap tahun.
Maklumat yang kita terima menunjukkan bahawa hasil pengeluaran seluruh Negara pada masa ini ialah sebanyak 243 ton dengan nilai sebanyak RM1.093 billion dan berpotensi untuk berkembang dengan kadar sekurang-kurangnya 30% setahun dan pada tahun 2015 industri ini akan memberi pulangan pendapatan sebanyak RM4.059 billion. Negeri pengeluar terbesar sekarang ini ialah negeri Pahang dengan keluaran sebanyak 35 ton. Saya difahamkan industri ini pantas berkembang di Sarawak.
Seperti yang saya katakan tadi pada masa ini tidak ada undang-undang atau akta yang menyelia industri ini. Apa yang berlaku ialah beberapa agensi kerajaan yang terlibat menyelia industri ini saperti Jabatan Pertanian, Hutan dan Haiwan dan Hidupan Liar mengikut kesesuian negeri masing masing. Potensi industry ini sangat menggalakan bukan saja dari segi pelaburan dalam negeri tetapi juga pelaburan dari luar negeri dan juga kesan over-flownya luas dari segi pembinaan, pelancungan, pekerjaan dan sebagainya.
Oleh yang demikian saya ingin membuat beberapa cadangan kepada kerajaan:
Menubuh satu undang-undang khas untuk industri ini.
Memberi masa 10-15 tahun kepada kedai dalam Bandar yang digunakan sebagai sarang burung supaya mereka mempunyai masa untuk melabur di kawasan Luar Bandar.
Menghentikan penggunaan kedai baru untuk mengelak masalah berlaku.
Menyelia perusahan dari segi kebersihan
Memberi sokongan saperti bebas cukai pendapatan dalam beberapa tahun saperti mana yang diberi kepada pelabur asing yang melabur dalam sektor tertentu dulu.
Mengurangkan cukai eksport buat beberapa ketika.
R & D & C
Peruntukan sebanyak RM411 untuk R & D adalah sangat dialu-alukan. Saya berharap bantuan ini juga dipanjangkan kepada pihak swasta dan perseorangan yang telah menceburi dalam bidang ini. Saya ingin menyentuh satu perkara dalam hal ini ia itu keraguan oleh setengah pihak ke atas hasil R&D mereka. Ada terdapat kes di mana apabila mereka ini diminta untuk mengemukakan hasil penemuan mereka kepada pihak sirim, teknologi mereka dicolek atau dihijack dan diberi kepada pihak yang lain. Ini menyebabkan mereka enggan tampil ke depan untuk mengemukan penghasilan mereka kepada kerajaan. Saya minta pihak pihak kerajaan mengambil perhatian terhadap perkara ini dan mengambil tindakan yang sesuai untuk mempastikan hasil kajian yang berkenaan terjamin dan selamat. Kalau perkara ini tidak ditangani maka saya khuatir pihak yang berkenaan enggan unutk tampil ke depan untuk mengemukakan hasil kajian mereka.
Saya ingin menyentuh beberapa perkara secara khusus dan ringkas.
RM2.1 billion untuk menaik taraf jalan raya Sabah dan Sarawak.
Saya berharap cadangan projek jalan raya dan bekalan letrik yang dikenalpasti dalam senarai NKRA dilaksanakan tahun depan. Salepas 50 tahun merdeka masih ada kampung yang belum ada jalan raya dan beberapa kampung yang belum menikmati bekalan letrik.
RM297 juta bagi penanaman klon sawit bermutu tinggi.
Saya menyeru kepada Kerajaan supaya mana-mana klon sawit bermutu tinggi yang dihasilkan sama ada oleh institut kerajaan atau pun syarikat swasta diberi lesen untuk menjual dengan kadar segera supaya pekebun tempatan dapat menikmati hasilnya. Kalau mereka tidak diberi lesen maka saya khuatir benih-benih ini jatuh ke negara asing dan negara kita akan ketinggalan.
Harga getah berbeza antara Sabah dengan semenanjung.
Saya minta kerajaan persekutuan untuk membuat sesuatu bagi menyelesaikan masalah perbezaan harga getah antara Sabah dan Semenanjung Malaysia. Keadaan ini sudah lama wujud dan kerajaan negeri dan persekutuan tidak dapat memberi penjelasan yang memuaskan kenapa ini berlaku begitu lama. Penduduk Sabah berdepan dengan harga barang pengguna yang lebih tinggi tetapi pada masa yang sama menerima harga getah yang rendah. Sudah tiba masanya kerajaan kerajaan persekutuan campur tangan dalam hal ini.
Petani getah di Sabah juga menghadapi masalah dalam jualan hasil getah mereka di mana pihak Lembaga Industri Getah Sabah begitu lambat membayar harga getah sehingga dua minggu. Saya menerima aduan dari orang ramai yang mengeluh mengenai tiada wang kerana pembayaran kepada hasil jualan getah mereka lambat dibayar. Saya dimaklumkan bahawa sehingga bulan Oktober 2010 LIGS berhutang kepada petani dengan jumlah RM451,000. Kenapa ini berlaku? Adakah LIGS mepunyai masaalah cash-flow?
Kedua-dua masaalah yang saya sebut tadi sudah cukup menjadi alasan supaya pasaran getah di Sabah di buka luas secara competitive dan keistimewaan monopoli LIGS dihentikan. Bukankah slogan kita ialah rakyat didahulukan?
Banyak lagi yang saya ingin sampaikan tetapi biarlah saya sentuh dalam peringkat jawatan kuasa nanti.
Sekian saya mohon menyokong
Thursday, September 2, 2010
One BN party can't simply accept a member from another BN party
By Datuk Wilfred M. Bumburing.
“I welcome the initiative to be taken by Chief Minister YAB Datuk Musa Aman in deciding to consult other leaders among the BN component party members with regards to the decision taken by YB Datuk Peter Pang in quitting LDP. I believe the State BN Chairman will handled this issue with great wisdom.
However, the statement by the Prime Minister that Peter Pang may join GERAKAN is indeed raising some eyebrows, as though the PM knows what’s going to happen next long before any Sabah BN leaders knew anything, especially the next move that may be taken by Peter Pang himself. On this issue, I am therefore asking the Barisan Nasional leadership if they have introduce a new policy OR want to introduce a new policy of accepting or encouraging members or leaders of a BN component party to switch membership to other BN component party members freely and randomly. This calls for a serious discussion before this should be accepted as a policy because this will prompt an avalanche of party members crossing over to another party at will. Any move or decision taken by the BN leaders must not jeopardize the BN spirit of camaraderie.
“UPKO itself is already faced with similar problem especially in my constituency where a fellow BN component party is intimidating our party members especially community leaders who are holding the post of Ketua Kampung, and Chairman of JKKK to ditch UPKO and join their party or else their post as Ketua Kampung or JKKK Chairman will be replace by those who are their members.
“Personally, I respect the decision taken by Datuk Peter Pang and as his personal friend I wish him all the best; however, I sincerely hope that his departure and especially his next move will not in any way undermined the stability enjoyed by BN components party members and being a friendly BN representative that he respect the stand taken by the other BN party leaders.”
“I welcome the initiative to be taken by Chief Minister YAB Datuk Musa Aman in deciding to consult other leaders among the BN component party members with regards to the decision taken by YB Datuk Peter Pang in quitting LDP. I believe the State BN Chairman will handled this issue with great wisdom.
However, the statement by the Prime Minister that Peter Pang may join GERAKAN is indeed raising some eyebrows, as though the PM knows what’s going to happen next long before any Sabah BN leaders knew anything, especially the next move that may be taken by Peter Pang himself. On this issue, I am therefore asking the Barisan Nasional leadership if they have introduce a new policy OR want to introduce a new policy of accepting or encouraging members or leaders of a BN component party to switch membership to other BN component party members freely and randomly. This calls for a serious discussion before this should be accepted as a policy because this will prompt an avalanche of party members crossing over to another party at will. Any move or decision taken by the BN leaders must not jeopardize the BN spirit of camaraderie.
“UPKO itself is already faced with similar problem especially in my constituency where a fellow BN component party is intimidating our party members especially community leaders who are holding the post of Ketua Kampung, and Chairman of JKKK to ditch UPKO and join their party or else their post as Ketua Kampung or JKKK Chairman will be replace by those who are their members.
“Personally, I respect the decision taken by Datuk Peter Pang and as his personal friend I wish him all the best; however, I sincerely hope that his departure and especially his next move will not in any way undermined the stability enjoyed by BN components party members and being a friendly BN representative that he respect the stand taken by the other BN party leaders.”
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Bumburing Says Sabah's Illegal Immigrants Is The Mother of All Problem
KOTA KINABALU: Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Datuk Wilfred Bumburing said that the exclusion of the illegal immigrant issue in Sabah in the National Key Result Areas (NKRA) was a grave mistake as the illegal immigrants issues has been and is and will always be the mother of all problems in Sabah for as long as the nation’s leaders deemed this issue as not important. This issues has invaded and affected negatively every structure of life in Sabah be it in social, cultural, health, security, educational and economy.
Bumburing said: “It was a grave mistake and disrespect to Malaysian in Sabah by the lab that formulated the top six issues deemed important by the nations when the issue of illegal immigrants in Sabah was deemed not important by the Nation as revealed by Minister in The Prime Minister’s Department, YB Senator Datuk Idris Jala on Saturday. With due respect to Datuk Idris as his job was just to disseminate the information gathered by the lab who probably didn’t have a Sabahan in their ranks and as such the illegal immigrant issues in Sabah was glaringly overlooked. HoIver, he (Datuk Idris) also pointed out that a laboratory in this issues has been established and that it was conducted here in Sabah. In this respect I urge the relevant authority to make the findings of this laboratory on illegal immigrant in Sabah to be made public. On this issue, I would like to make the following observations:
“ When the national laboratory on foreign workers and illegal immigrants was set up, why must a “special laboratory” be set up for Sabah? Why would they consider the problem in Sabah as being a “little different” from the National level? Can’t the Federal Government just formulate a standard policy to address the issue on foreign workers and illegal immigrant for the whole country? The Home Minister was quick in reacting to the case of 20 foreigners who escaped from their detention centre and yet are silent on the illegal immigrants who residing inside Sabah and whose numbers are now believed to hundreds of thousands. What is 20 foreigners who have escaped in Kuala Lumpur compared to a few hundred thousands illegal immigrants residing inside Malaysian lands? I demand an explanation why Sabah is being considered different, is it because of Mykads being issued to illegal immigrants dubiously?
“Along this line, I also urged the setting up of State Key Result Area (SKRA) parallel to the NKRA so that the root of the illegal immigrants problem will be addressed positively. The State government will not be able to solve this problem on their own so is the federal government, so a determined and concerted effort must be drawn by both and done immediately so that this issues will be corrected at the fastest time possible. Prolonging this issues will not be conducive to the government as it is now draining the patience of Malaysian in Sabah.
“Today I met a fifteen year old boy from Matunggong who dropped out of school because the school authorities there have suspended him for two Ieks for not attending school. Even after the two-Iek suspension was over, this boy refused to go back to school. Upon questioning, the boy related to me that he didn’t want to go back to that school for fear of being bullied by certain gangs in the school who extorted money from the local Rungus students. When they don’t have “protection money” to pay these extortionists, they would be beaten up until they pay up. Due to poverty, some of them prefer to drop out of school then be in the company of these “thugs” and this boy told me that these “extortionist students” Ire children of foreign parents. Even our own school located in the midst of our kampungs are no longer safe for our children.
“What is to prevent this illegal immigrants now from claiming rights to Sabah say 30 years from now? Their numbers now almost outnumber Sabahans and their descendants thirty years from today will definitely outnumber the local populations. I have asked in parliament for an explanation on the RM5,300 annual payment paid by the Malaysia to the heirs of the Sulu Sultanate but have not got a satisfactory reply till today. In the early sixties prior to the formation of Malaysia, a referendum approved by the United Nations was carried out in Sabah in which the people of Sabah have opted for independence through the formation of Malaysia. What would prevent the likelihood say in the event 30 years from today the descendants of this foreigners who would outnumbered and overwhelmed the original Malaysian citizens seeking a similar referendum from the United Nations? (See
“Combined positive actions by the State and Federal authorities now to solve this issues would save Sabah and Malaysia from this kind of likelihood.”
Datuk Wilfred Bumburing said that the exclusion of the illegal immigrant issue in Sabah in the National Key Result Areas (NKRA) was a grave mistake as the illegal immigrants issues has been and is and will always be the mother of all problems in Sabah for as long as the nation’s leaders deemed this issue as not important. This issues has invaded and affected negatively every structure of life in Sabah be it in social, cultural, health, security, educational and economy.
Bumburing said: “It was a grave mistake and disrespect to Malaysian in Sabah by the lab that formulated the top six issues deemed important by the nations when the issue of illegal immigrants in Sabah was deemed not important by the Nation as revealed by Minister in The Prime Minister’s Department, YB Senator Datuk Idris Jala on Saturday. With due respect to Datuk Idris as his job was just to disseminate the information gathered by the lab who probably didn’t have a Sabahan in their ranks and as such the illegal immigrant issues in Sabah was glaringly overlooked. HoIver, he (Datuk Idris) also pointed out that a laboratory in this issues has been established and that it was conducted here in Sabah. In this respect I urge the relevant authority to make the findings of this laboratory on illegal immigrant in Sabah to be made public. On this issue, I would like to make the following observations:
“ When the national laboratory on foreign workers and illegal immigrants was set up, why must a “special laboratory” be set up for Sabah? Why would they consider the problem in Sabah as being a “little different” from the National level? Can’t the Federal Government just formulate a standard policy to address the issue on foreign workers and illegal immigrant for the whole country? The Home Minister was quick in reacting to the case of 20 foreigners who escaped from their detention centre and yet are silent on the illegal immigrants who residing inside Sabah and whose numbers are now believed to hundreds of thousands. What is 20 foreigners who have escaped in Kuala Lumpur compared to a few hundred thousands illegal immigrants residing inside Malaysian lands? I demand an explanation why Sabah is being considered different, is it because of Mykads being issued to illegal immigrants dubiously?
“Along this line, I also urged the setting up of State Key Result Area (SKRA) parallel to the NKRA so that the root of the illegal immigrants problem will be addressed positively. The State government will not be able to solve this problem on their own so is the federal government, so a determined and concerted effort must be drawn by both and done immediately so that this issues will be corrected at the fastest time possible. Prolonging this issues will not be conducive to the government as it is now draining the patience of Malaysian in Sabah.
“Today I met a fifteen year old boy from Matunggong who dropped out of school because the school authorities there have suspended him for two Ieks for not attending school. Even after the two-Iek suspension was over, this boy refused to go back to school. Upon questioning, the boy related to me that he didn’t want to go back to that school for fear of being bullied by certain gangs in the school who extorted money from the local Rungus students. When they don’t have “protection money” to pay these extortionists, they would be beaten up until they pay up. Due to poverty, some of them prefer to drop out of school then be in the company of these “thugs” and this boy told me that these “extortionist students” Ire children of foreign parents. Even our own school located in the midst of our kampungs are no longer safe for our children.
“What is to prevent this illegal immigrants now from claiming rights to Sabah say 30 years from now? Their numbers now almost outnumber Sabahans and their descendants thirty years from today will definitely outnumber the local populations. I have asked in parliament for an explanation on the RM5,300 annual payment paid by the Malaysia to the heirs of the Sulu Sultanate but have not got a satisfactory reply till today. In the early sixties prior to the formation of Malaysia, a referendum approved by the United Nations was carried out in Sabah in which the people of Sabah have opted for independence through the formation of Malaysia. What would prevent the likelihood say in the event 30 years from today the descendants of this foreigners who would outnumbered and overwhelmed the original Malaysian citizens seeking a similar referendum from the United Nations? (See
“Combined positive actions by the State and Federal authorities now to solve this issues would save Sabah and Malaysia from this kind of likelihood.”
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Native Courts Should Be Presided By KDM
“The upgrading of the Native Courts and appoint of Advocates in the Native courts is a positive development and a milestone for the development of the native laws especially Kadazandudusn and Muruts whose native laws and adats form the basis of the institutionalization of the native laws and adats. Along this lines, I call on the relevant Ministry to appoint District Chiefs and Native Chiefs from among the Kadazandusun and Murut community as many cases if not all that are being brought up in the Native Courts involve only the Kadazandusun and Murut community. Disputes with regards to the appointments of Districts Chief, Native Chief and Village Chief (Ketua Kampung) can only be resolved by leaders from the same community. Justice would only be seen to have been carried out fairly when judgments passed by the Native Courts are presided by people of the same community”
BN Leaders Must Help To Fulfill Election Promises
By Datuk Wilfred M Bumburing
There are many promises of development projects made by the BN elected representative during the 12th general election, not just by Members of Parliament (MP) but also including those in the respective State Legislative Assembly that have yet to be fulfilled. Those promises were made in full acknowledgement of the top BN leadership. Many of these yet to be fulfilled promises are now coming back to haunt several elected BN YBs as the people are now asking what happen to it. I therefore call upon the Federal Government, especially the various Ministries concerned to provide immediate assistance to these respective YBs, especially those from the minor or smaller BN component member by providing immediate allocation to carry out development project that was promised during the last general election. Those promises were made with the understanding that the Federal Government would assist in fulfilling them, and I am glad that this project is finally going to be implemented as I know that the people who resides along this stretch of road have been clamoring for it to be implemented and even accused us of giving empty promises and the opposition are quick to capitalized on this issue for their own gain. However, there many more projects that have been promised which we will list down and give to the relevant ministry, and not just in my constituency but in other constituency where the elected MPs or State Assembly Member is from the smaller BN component party. This developments project that was promised during the last general election must be fulfilled before calling for the next general election to be held. Sabah as a BN’s ‘fixed deposit’ must generate profitable ‘interest’ to be enjoyed by the rakyat for it to be truly a genuine ‘fixed deposit’ otherwise, Sabahans might just as well ‘withdraw’ this fixed deposit to be ‘invested’ elsewhere. We can continue to have this ‘fixed deposit’ for as long as every BN elected representatives fulfilled their election promises.
Meanwhile, personally I would like to thank the government for finally approving the upgrading of the dirt road from Kapa to Bundu Tohuri, a distance of 12.25 kilometer in my area which was one of the many promises made during the 12th general election. I understand that site inspection for this road project will be carried out on July 5 for the potential contractors, and tenders will be called for after that. I appeal to the people who live along this road to be patient and to provide every support needed when the road project will commence as they may involve substantial earthwork to be carried out in areas where the hill slopes are steep
There are many promises of development projects made by the BN elected representative during the 12th general election, not just by Members of Parliament (MP) but also including those in the respective State Legislative Assembly that have yet to be fulfilled. Those promises were made in full acknowledgement of the top BN leadership. Many of these yet to be fulfilled promises are now coming back to haunt several elected BN YBs as the people are now asking what happen to it. I therefore call upon the Federal Government, especially the various Ministries concerned to provide immediate assistance to these respective YBs, especially those from the minor or smaller BN component member by providing immediate allocation to carry out development project that was promised during the last general election. Those promises were made with the understanding that the Federal Government would assist in fulfilling them, and I am glad that this project is finally going to be implemented as I know that the people who resides along this stretch of road have been clamoring for it to be implemented and even accused us of giving empty promises and the opposition are quick to capitalized on this issue for their own gain. However, there many more projects that have been promised which we will list down and give to the relevant ministry, and not just in my constituency but in other constituency where the elected MPs or State Assembly Member is from the smaller BN component party. This developments project that was promised during the last general election must be fulfilled before calling for the next general election to be held. Sabah as a BN’s ‘fixed deposit’ must generate profitable ‘interest’ to be enjoyed by the rakyat for it to be truly a genuine ‘fixed deposit’ otherwise, Sabahans might just as well ‘withdraw’ this fixed deposit to be ‘invested’ elsewhere. We can continue to have this ‘fixed deposit’ for as long as every BN elected representatives fulfilled their election promises.
Meanwhile, personally I would like to thank the government for finally approving the upgrading of the dirt road from Kapa to Bundu Tohuri, a distance of 12.25 kilometer in my area which was one of the many promises made during the 12th general election. I understand that site inspection for this road project will be carried out on July 5 for the potential contractors, and tenders will be called for after that. I appeal to the people who live along this road to be patient and to provide every support needed when the road project will commence as they may involve substantial earthwork to be carried out in areas where the hill slopes are steep
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Don't Ban Sale of Wild Boar Meat
Kota Kinabalu, Tuesday, June 29, 2010.
Datuk Wilfred Bumburing today urge the government to reconsider the proposal to ban the sale of wild boar saying wild boar meat are popular among the majority of non-Muslim Kadazandusun and Murut.
Bumburing said: “I urge the government to reconsider its proposal to ban the sale of wild boar as this trade has now complement the economic livelihood of those involved in the trade especially among the non-Muslim Kadazandusun. Firstly, the wild boar are shot and by hunters who have obtained hunting license from the relevant authority. And most of the hunting areas are in the Oil Palm plantation and as such it also help to reduce incident of crop damages to the oil palm as the wild boar also pose a menace to the plantations beside damages to other cash crops. Secondly, in the Tuaran district, wild boar meats are only sold at certain location such as roadside stall and few other selected places and a total ban on the sale of wild boar meats would deprive this people of earning some extra income.
On another note, it is rumored that the government will also ban the rearing of pigs or better know as “kampung pigs” in the open such as those found in various villages. Again the government must rethink of any such proposal as the rearing of pigs in the villages have been part an parcel of the traditional way of life of the Kadazandusun community at large. Pigs have also been largely used as sogits (a form of penalty) by the Mahkamah Anak Negeri for minor offences committed by any member of the KDM community.
What the pigs are to the majority of the KDM community is like what goats are to other communities who rears goats instead of pigs. In any village, especially in the rural areas, every KDM family would at least have a family of pigs among their domestic animal so wild boar meat and the rearing of pigs are part and parcel of the traditional way of like of the majority of the KDM community and UPKO would stand firm in its objection to proposed ban.”
Datuk Wilfred Bumburing today urge the government to reconsider the proposal to ban the sale of wild boar saying wild boar meat are popular among the majority of non-Muslim Kadazandusun and Murut.
Bumburing said: “I urge the government to reconsider its proposal to ban the sale of wild boar as this trade has now complement the economic livelihood of those involved in the trade especially among the non-Muslim Kadazandusun. Firstly, the wild boar are shot and by hunters who have obtained hunting license from the relevant authority. And most of the hunting areas are in the Oil Palm plantation and as such it also help to reduce incident of crop damages to the oil palm as the wild boar also pose a menace to the plantations beside damages to other cash crops. Secondly, in the Tuaran district, wild boar meats are only sold at certain location such as roadside stall and few other selected places and a total ban on the sale of wild boar meats would deprive this people of earning some extra income.
On another note, it is rumored that the government will also ban the rearing of pigs or better know as “kampung pigs” in the open such as those found in various villages. Again the government must rethink of any such proposal as the rearing of pigs in the villages have been part an parcel of the traditional way of life of the Kadazandusun community at large. Pigs have also been largely used as sogits (a form of penalty) by the Mahkamah Anak Negeri for minor offences committed by any member of the KDM community.
What the pigs are to the majority of the KDM community is like what goats are to other communities who rears goats instead of pigs. In any village, especially in the rural areas, every KDM family would at least have a family of pigs among their domestic animal so wild boar meat and the rearing of pigs are part and parcel of the traditional way of like of the majority of the KDM community and UPKO would stand firm in its objection to proposed ban.”
Monday, June 28, 2010
Parliamentary Speech/Debate on the 10th Malaysia Plan on Friday, June 25, 2010
YB Datuk Wilfred M. Bumburing
TUARAN MP, Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred M. Bumburing said the 10th Malaysia Plan (TMP) is an ambitious plan which perhaps is based on the economic capability of the country over the next five years. He also said that the extra ordinary economic increase of 10% is driven by public spending. He further said that he is disappointed because the TMP has nothing in it to show that the issue of illegal immigrants in the State of Sabah will be positively addressed. Among others Bumburing said:
“I am disappointed because the Tenth Malaysia Plan has nothing concrete to show that the issue of illegal immigrants in Sabah will be addressed positively. This issue has raised in for the umpteenth times by Members of Parliament from Sabah however the lackadaisical answer given by the federal government and their continued silence on the issue have aroused suspicion among Sabahan as though the federal government may have a hidden plan or program on the issue of illigel immigrants. This issue has a direct bearing on the poverty eradication program in Sabah where the State now has the second highest poverty incidents in the federation. They enjoy the same benefits as the bona fide citizens in terms of health cares services, educations and security. I would like to ask the Home Minister if the issue of illegal immigrants are included in the Minitry’s KPI as the ministry priority? In my previous speech, I have asked the Ministry of Home Minister to explain the statement by the Sabah National registration Department that says that no Malaysia IC or MyKad have been issued to illegal immigrants. The Minister have also said that no MyKad or Malaysia IC have been issued to illegal immigrants and the Minister have asked me to furnish him with the details proof. I am in the process of collecting those details and I want a guarantee from the Minister that once I submit the proof that concrete action will be taken immediately. I also urge the Home Minister to refer to the Integrity Committee which was formed in 2006 and headed by Tan Sri Bernard Dompok. This committee have conducted meetings in Kota Kinabalu and have collected testimonies from various individuals. However, when the committee tried to hold a meeting in Kuala Lumpur, both the National Registration Department and Immigration Department refused to attend the meeting causing Tan Sri Dompok to resign on principle. I believe the committee have all the relevant information that the Home Minsiter need in order for him to take concrete action on the issue of Illegal immigrants.”
On the issue of Poverty Eradication, Bumburing said:
“The NEM (New Economic Policy} is reported to have successfully reduced the poverty level from 50% in 1970 to 2.3% today. In Sabah, the Household Reprt 2004 is quoted to have reported that the poverty rate have plunged from 114,200 household to 21,000 in 2009. It is targeted that by 2015, the poverty rate will be reduce to 2% making Malaysia the most successful nation in the world on poverty eradication. However, I beg to differ because in my area, Tuaran District, the incident of poor families is still substantial. In the e-Kasih report dated April 28, 2010 the number of hardcore poor in Tuaran is 626 and poor family is 1,020. I wish to inform this august house that I have carried out a survey using a sampling methodology in my area in 2009. This survey was done comprehensively by visiting every household involved which was done covering 45 villages. We have discovered that 42% of household are in the hardcore poor category while 20% are relatively poor. The 62% poverty rate in Tuaran is even higher than the national poverty level in Malaysia before NEM. I also would to emphasize here that there exist co-relation between inflation and poverty. The Tuaran survey have shown that consumer goods and public transportation cost in the villages have increased by 39% as a result of the price in fuel. As a result, the poor become poorer and those who fell under the relative category have become hardcore poor. I also want to state here that as a result of “sticky prices,” the price of essential goods didn’t decrease even though the price of fuel have gone down. 63% of those surveyed said that the cost of living have drastically increased in 2008. I strongly believe that this reality in Tuaran may also be true for the other rural areas in Sabah and Sarawak.”
On Infrastructure, Datuk Bumburing Said:
“The TMP, themed “Rancangan Kemakmuran Ekonomi dan Keadilan Sosial” in general give special emphasis on development for the people that have been sidelinedand at the same time to focus on making Malaysia and economic giant. For Sabah, the emphasis on providing piped water to 98% of the population is something that is really needed. The same goes in providing electricity supply to every household and road network stretching 2,540 kilometers. Special assistance will be provided to etnik minorities in Sabah specifically the Bisayah, Orang Sungei, Rungus, Tidong dan Suluk. Why is the Kadazandusun etnik group not listed as those that have been sidelined where as all along this community has also lagged behind in all aspect? The government must practice an open, transparent and fair policy in all aspect such as in the civil service, business opportunities and others. The leaders may have been introducing good policies but to date there are many incidents where the implementing officers have practice certain degree of discrimination. In order for 1Malaysia to truly succeed, I urge the Prime Minister to introduce a monitoring mechanism at all level to avoid any form of discrimination. This is important because for as long as there exist ethnic groups who felt they are marginalized or sidelined or discriminated against, the objective of 1Malaysia will not be achieved.
TUARAN MP, Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred M. Bumburing said the 10th Malaysia Plan (TMP) is an ambitious plan which perhaps is based on the economic capability of the country over the next five years. He also said that the extra ordinary economic increase of 10% is driven by public spending. He further said that he is disappointed because the TMP has nothing in it to show that the issue of illegal immigrants in the State of Sabah will be positively addressed. Among others Bumburing said:
“I am disappointed because the Tenth Malaysia Plan has nothing concrete to show that the issue of illegal immigrants in Sabah will be addressed positively. This issue has raised in for the umpteenth times by Members of Parliament from Sabah however the lackadaisical answer given by the federal government and their continued silence on the issue have aroused suspicion among Sabahan as though the federal government may have a hidden plan or program on the issue of illigel immigrants. This issue has a direct bearing on the poverty eradication program in Sabah where the State now has the second highest poverty incidents in the federation. They enjoy the same benefits as the bona fide citizens in terms of health cares services, educations and security. I would like to ask the Home Minister if the issue of illegal immigrants are included in the Minitry’s KPI as the ministry priority? In my previous speech, I have asked the Ministry of Home Minister to explain the statement by the Sabah National registration Department that says that no Malaysia IC or MyKad have been issued to illegal immigrants. The Minister have also said that no MyKad or Malaysia IC have been issued to illegal immigrants and the Minister have asked me to furnish him with the details proof. I am in the process of collecting those details and I want a guarantee from the Minister that once I submit the proof that concrete action will be taken immediately. I also urge the Home Minister to refer to the Integrity Committee which was formed in 2006 and headed by Tan Sri Bernard Dompok. This committee have conducted meetings in Kota Kinabalu and have collected testimonies from various individuals. However, when the committee tried to hold a meeting in Kuala Lumpur, both the National Registration Department and Immigration Department refused to attend the meeting causing Tan Sri Dompok to resign on principle. I believe the committee have all the relevant information that the Home Minsiter need in order for him to take concrete action on the issue of Illegal immigrants.”
On the issue of Poverty Eradication, Bumburing said:
“The NEM (New Economic Policy} is reported to have successfully reduced the poverty level from 50% in 1970 to 2.3% today. In Sabah, the Household Reprt 2004 is quoted to have reported that the poverty rate have plunged from 114,200 household to 21,000 in 2009. It is targeted that by 2015, the poverty rate will be reduce to 2% making Malaysia the most successful nation in the world on poverty eradication. However, I beg to differ because in my area, Tuaran District, the incident of poor families is still substantial. In the e-Kasih report dated April 28, 2010 the number of hardcore poor in Tuaran is 626 and poor family is 1,020. I wish to inform this august house that I have carried out a survey using a sampling methodology in my area in 2009. This survey was done comprehensively by visiting every household involved which was done covering 45 villages. We have discovered that 42% of household are in the hardcore poor category while 20% are relatively poor. The 62% poverty rate in Tuaran is even higher than the national poverty level in Malaysia before NEM. I also would to emphasize here that there exist co-relation between inflation and poverty. The Tuaran survey have shown that consumer goods and public transportation cost in the villages have increased by 39% as a result of the price in fuel. As a result, the poor become poorer and those who fell under the relative category have become hardcore poor. I also want to state here that as a result of “sticky prices,” the price of essential goods didn’t decrease even though the price of fuel have gone down. 63% of those surveyed said that the cost of living have drastically increased in 2008. I strongly believe that this reality in Tuaran may also be true for the other rural areas in Sabah and Sarawak.”
On Infrastructure, Datuk Bumburing Said:
“The TMP, themed “Rancangan Kemakmuran Ekonomi dan Keadilan Sosial” in general give special emphasis on development for the people that have been sidelinedand at the same time to focus on making Malaysia and economic giant. For Sabah, the emphasis on providing piped water to 98% of the population is something that is really needed. The same goes in providing electricity supply to every household and road network stretching 2,540 kilometers. Special assistance will be provided to etnik minorities in Sabah specifically the Bisayah, Orang Sungei, Rungus, Tidong dan Suluk. Why is the Kadazandusun etnik group not listed as those that have been sidelined where as all along this community has also lagged behind in all aspect? The government must practice an open, transparent and fair policy in all aspect such as in the civil service, business opportunities and others. The leaders may have been introducing good policies but to date there are many incidents where the implementing officers have practice certain degree of discrimination. In order for 1Malaysia to truly succeed, I urge the Prime Minister to introduce a monitoring mechanism at all level to avoid any form of discrimination. This is important because for as long as there exist ethnic groups who felt they are marginalized or sidelined or discriminated against, the objective of 1Malaysia will not be achieved.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Ucapan Bahas MP Tuaran di Parlimen
Pencapaian Malaysia
Rancangan Malaysia KeSepuluh (RM10) yang dibentangkan menunjukkan komitmen Kerajaan pada rakyat Nagara ini dan menekankan pembangunan yang mampan dan pembelaan untuk semua rakyat tanpa mengira kaum dan agama. Rancangan ini ambitious tetapi diukur mengikut jangkaan keupayaan ekonomi Negara dalam 5 tahun akan datang.
Kejayaan ekonomi Malaysia di bawah YAB Perdana Menteri mencapai penumbuhan ekonomi 10.1 peratus pada suku pertama 2010 adalah satu kejayaan besar yang patut dibanggakan.Namun pertumbuhan yang luar biasa ini berbanding dengan kedudukan sebelum ini jelas dipancu oleh “Public Spending” dalam bentuk dua package ransangan yang telah dlbelanjakan Kerajaan tahun lalu.Namun jelas terbukti bahawa package tersebut bukan sahaja berjaya mengeluarkan Negara dari kemelut kemorosotan ekonomi malah menghasilkan satu pertumbuhan yang tinggi dalam suku pertama tahun 2010. Walau bagaimanapun pertumbuhan KDNK tidak bolih dipancu oleh perbelanjaan kerajaan “PUBLIC SPENDING” dalam jangka masa panjang. Ini jelas diakui oleh kerajaan apabila ditegaskan dalam RM10 bahawa pihak swasta akan menjadi pemancu utama ekonomi Negara sepanjang 5 tahun akan datang.
Tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa Rancangan Malaysia ke10 ini mempunyai pendekatan yang berlainan daripada Rancangan-rancagan pembangunan sebelum ini. Satu ciri yang sangat penting dalam rancangan ini ialah ianya tldak lagi berasaskan sasaran kaum. Dalam ucapan pembentangannya YAB Perdana Menteri menyatakan “Kita keluar daripada bertindak dalam tembok etnik yang kita amalakn sejak sekain lama.” Saya percaya pendekatan ini di ambil dengan mengambil kira keptusan PRU12 (Pilihanraya Umum Ke-12) yang lalu dan mesej yang diutarakan oleh rakyat kebelakangan ini.
Olih kerana kakangan masa yang diberi maka saya akan hanya menyentuh beberapa perkara yang spesifik.
DEB (Dasar Ekonomi Baru) dilapurkan berjaya mengurangkan kemiskinan rakyat daripada hampir 50 peratus daJam tahun 1970 kepada kurang 3.8 peratus kini. Di Sabah juga kemiskinan dikatakan telah menjunam daripada 114,200 isi rumah dalam Laporan Penyiasatan Isi rumah 2004 kepada hanya 21,000 isi rumah miskin pada 2009. Disasarkan pada tahun 2015 kemiskinan dapat dikurangkan kepada tahap 2 peratus, menjadikan Malaysia Negara yang paling berjaya membasmi kemiskinan di dunia.
Saya tidak bermaksud untuk mempertikaikan lapuran kerajaan mengenai kedudulcan tarap kemiskinan ini tetapi saya melihat di kawasan saya Tuaran jumlah keluarga miskin masih ramai. Dalam lapuran e-kasih bertarikh 28hb April 2010 jumlah keluarga miskin tegar di Tuaran ialah 626 dan keluarga miskin ialah 1,020. Saya ingin memaklumkan dewan ini bahawa saya telah mengadakan satu kajian banci secara sampling di kawasan saya pada tahun 2009. Kajian ini komprihensif dan menggunakan kaedah lawatan dari rumah ke rumah yang terlibat. Data yang saya akan bentangkan adalah berdasarkan data hasil kajian yang intensif di 45 buah kampung di Tuaran, satu kajian yang merupakan kajian isirumah yang melihat keadaan sosio ekonomi dan kemudahan asas di peringkat kampung. Hasil kajian menunjukkan 42 peratus isi rumah dalam kajian berada dalam kemiskinan tegar dan 20 peratus lagi adalah dikategorikan miskin relatif. Saya amat terkilan sekali bahawa tahap kemiskinan 62 peratus di Tuaran adalah lebih tinggi daripada kemiskinan di Malaysia sebelum DEB. Saya percaya juga realiti di Tuaran merupakan realiti di kebanyakan kawasan luar bandar di Sabah dan Sarawak.
56 peratus penduduk dalam kajian ini bergantung pada air graviti yang menurut World Health Organization diklasfikasi sebagai “untreated water.” Rancangan Malaysia Kesepuiuh menyarankan penyediaan air paip untuk 98 peratus rakyat di Sabah. Saya ucap terima kasih kerana ada peruntukan untuk naik tarap bekalan air di Tuaran. Walau bagaimanapun memandangkan keadaan permukaan tanah yang berbukit-bukau di Tuaran saya berpendapat sasaran 95% bekalan air dalam tempoh RM10 sukar untuk dicapai. Saya ingin mencadangkan kepada kerajaan untuk menggunapakai kaedah “in-situ treatment” yang sudah ada untuk mengatasi masalah inl.
Saya kecewa kerana Rancangan MaIaysia Ke-10 tidak mengandungi apa-apa perancangan kerajaan untuk mengatasi dan menyelesaikan masaalah pendatang tanpa izin terutamanya di negeri Sabah, satu-satunya negeri yang dilanda oleh masaalah ini. Perkara ini telah berkali-kali ditimbulkan dalam Dewan ini oleh beberapa Ahli Parlimen dari Sabah sejak sekian lama. Namun jawapan yang diberi olih kerajaan mencerminkan seolah-olah kerajaan mengelak isu ini. Oleh kerana kerajaan terus-menerus membisu datam perkara ini maka ianya menimbulkan sangkaan rakyat Sabah sama ada kerajaan persekutuan mempunyai perancangan atau program tersembunyi dalam hal masalah pendatang haram ini.
Masalah pendatang tanpa izin ini berkait langsung dengan isu pembasmian kemiskinan di Sabah di mana dilapurkan terdapat jumlah insiden kemiskinan yang kedua terbanyak di Malaysia. Kehadiran jutaan pendatang tanpa izin ini sudah tentu meningkatkan jumlah penduduk yang miskin di negeri Sabah. Mereka ini menikmati kemudahan yang dilberi oleh kerajaan, saperti kesihatan, pelajaran, keselamatan dan sebagainya. Seharusnya keadaan ini memerlukan program yang kongkrit dalam RMKe-10. Saya ingin bertanya kepada YAB Perdana Menteri apakah program kerajaan persekutuan untuk mengatasi masaalah in dalam 5 tahun akan datang?
Saya juga ingin bertanya kepada Kementerian dalam Negeri sama ada isu pendatang asing tanpa izin termasuk dalam KPI sebagai keutamaan Kementerian?
Saya telah memobon dalam Dewan Yang Mulia ini kepada Menteri Dalam Negeri agar beliau dapat menjelaskan kenyataan Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara di Sabah bahawa tiada MyKad diberi [dikeluarkan] kepada pendatang asing tanpa izin. Beliau telah menyatakan tiada MyKad / Kap Pengenalan telah diberikan dan beliau meminta jika ada butir dan bukti agar disampalkan kepada beliau untuk siasatan dan tindakan selanjutnya. Saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada Menteri. Saya akan sampaikan butiran dan bukti. Tetapi saya minta jaminan dari Menteri bahawa tindakan konkrit dan tegas akan diambil ke atas maklumat tersebut.
Masaalah pendatang tanpa izin pemah dibawa kepada Jawatankuasa Integriti pada tahun 2006. Jawatankuasa ini telah bermesyuarat di Kota Kinabalu untuk mendengar keterangan dari beberapa pihak. Apabila Jawatankuasa tersebut bermesyuarat di Kuala Lumpur, Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara dan Jabatan Imigresen telah dipanggil untuk mereka memberikan penjelasan tetapi malangnya mereka enggan untuk hadir menyebabkan Pengerusinya YB Tan Sri Bernard Dompok meletakkan jawatan sebagai pengerusi atas dasar prinsip. Saya percaya banyak maklumat terdapat pada Jawatankuasa ini dan kalau pihak kementerian betul-betul mahu mengambil tindakan maka mereka boleh perolehi maklumat ini dari Jawatankuasa tersebut.
Rancangan Malaysia kesepuluh yang bertemakan “Rancangan Kemakmuran Ekonomi dan Keadilan Sosial” secara amnya memberi penekanan yang khusus untuk membawa pembangunan kepada masyarakat yang terpinggir dan dalam masa yang sama memberi focus untuk menjadikan Malaysia sebuah Negara gergasi dalam bidang ekonomL
Untuk Sabah, penekanan pada penyediaan air paip untuk 98 peratus penduduk merupakan satu usaha yang diperlukan. Demikian juga penyedian bekalan letrik untuk semua isirumah dan menambah jaringan jalanraya sepanjang 2,540 kilometer.
Bantuan khas akan juga diberikan kepada masyarakat minoriti Sabah yang terpinggir seperti Bisayah, Orang Sungei, Rungus, Tidong dan Suluk. Penyediaan rumah bagi mereka yang miskin juga akan diberi perhatian. Saya ingin bertanya kenapa suku kaum Kadazandusun tidak digolongkan sebagai kaum yang terpinggir sedangkan kaum ini pada keseluruhannya merasakan mereka juga tertinggal dalam banyak aspek.
Untuk membolehkan semua kaum maju bersama, kerajaan harus melaksanakan dan mengamalkan dasar yang terbuka dan adil kepada semua dalam semua bidang seperti dalam perkhidmatan kerajaan, peluang perniagaan dan sebagainya. Pemimpin mencetuskan dasar yang baik tetapi selama ini banyak insiden di mana pegawai pelaksana dasar mengamalkan dirkriminasi. Untuk membolehkan gagasan 1Malaysia itu benar-benar berjaya dalam erti kata yang sebenarnya saya mencadangkan agar YAB Perdana Menteri mengarahkan agar satu mekanisme pemantauan di semua peringkat agar amalan diskriminasi dapat dicegah. Ini sangat penting kerana selagi ada kaum yang merasa terpinggir dan didiskriminasikan maka selagi itulah objektif Satu Malaysia tidak akan tercapai.
Perlu juga saya utarakan sekali lagi ada korelasi di antara inflasi dan kemiskinan. Kajian di Tuaran membuktikan bahawa barangan pengguna dan pengangkutan awam di kampung meningkat kos sebanyak 39 peratus akibat daripada kenaikan harga minyak. Akibatnya ialah, yang miskin bertambah miskin dan yang dikategorikan sebagai relatif miskin menjadi miskin tegar. Pendek kata kemiskinan di luarbandar meningkat secara drastik. Perlu diketahui juga akibat "sticky prices” maka harga barang tidak menurun walaupun harga minyak sudah menurun. Malah 63 peratus penduduk mengatakan bahawa kos hidup meningkat mendadak sejak 2008. Kerajaan harus berhati-hati dengan saranan dalam RMKeI0 bahawa penghapusan subsidi perlu dilaksanakan tanpa memberikan kaedah yang spesifik bagaimana masvarakat miskin di luar Bandar akan dibantu. Kenaikan harga barang akan meningkatkan kadar kemiskinan di luar bandar untuk kali kedua sejak 2008.
Saya ingin menyentuh dua perkara khusus dalam kawasan Tuaran. Pertamanva saya harap kerajaan melaksanakan pembinaan hospital Tuaran tanpa lengah lagi kerana rakyat Tuaran sudah sekian lama menderita kerana ketiadaan hospital berkatil memandangkan kesesakan di hospital Kota Kinabalu.
5aya juga memyu agar kerajaan melaksanakan jambatan penghubung dua wilayah Tuaran. Penduduk yang tinggal disebelah sungai Tuaran terpaksa mengarnbil masa selama setengah jam untuk pergi ke Pekan Tuaran. Projek Jambatan yang dipohon membolihkan mereka sampai ke pekan Tuaran hanya daJam masa 3 minit. Projek ini sudah sekian lama dinanti-nantikan oleh rakyat tempatan.
Rancangan Malaysia KeSepuluh (RM10) yang dibentangkan menunjukkan komitmen Kerajaan pada rakyat Nagara ini dan menekankan pembangunan yang mampan dan pembelaan untuk semua rakyat tanpa mengira kaum dan agama. Rancangan ini ambitious tetapi diukur mengikut jangkaan keupayaan ekonomi Negara dalam 5 tahun akan datang.
Kejayaan ekonomi Malaysia di bawah YAB Perdana Menteri mencapai penumbuhan ekonomi 10.1 peratus pada suku pertama 2010 adalah satu kejayaan besar yang patut dibanggakan.Namun pertumbuhan yang luar biasa ini berbanding dengan kedudukan sebelum ini jelas dipancu oleh “Public Spending” dalam bentuk dua package ransangan yang telah dlbelanjakan Kerajaan tahun lalu.Namun jelas terbukti bahawa package tersebut bukan sahaja berjaya mengeluarkan Negara dari kemelut kemorosotan ekonomi malah menghasilkan satu pertumbuhan yang tinggi dalam suku pertama tahun 2010. Walau bagaimanapun pertumbuhan KDNK tidak bolih dipancu oleh perbelanjaan kerajaan “PUBLIC SPENDING” dalam jangka masa panjang. Ini jelas diakui oleh kerajaan apabila ditegaskan dalam RM10 bahawa pihak swasta akan menjadi pemancu utama ekonomi Negara sepanjang 5 tahun akan datang.
Tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa Rancangan Malaysia ke10 ini mempunyai pendekatan yang berlainan daripada Rancangan-rancagan pembangunan sebelum ini. Satu ciri yang sangat penting dalam rancangan ini ialah ianya tldak lagi berasaskan sasaran kaum. Dalam ucapan pembentangannya YAB Perdana Menteri menyatakan “Kita keluar daripada bertindak dalam tembok etnik yang kita amalakn sejak sekain lama.” Saya percaya pendekatan ini di ambil dengan mengambil kira keptusan PRU12 (Pilihanraya Umum Ke-12) yang lalu dan mesej yang diutarakan oleh rakyat kebelakangan ini.
Olih kerana kakangan masa yang diberi maka saya akan hanya menyentuh beberapa perkara yang spesifik.
DEB (Dasar Ekonomi Baru) dilapurkan berjaya mengurangkan kemiskinan rakyat daripada hampir 50 peratus daJam tahun 1970 kepada kurang 3.8 peratus kini. Di Sabah juga kemiskinan dikatakan telah menjunam daripada 114,200 isi rumah dalam Laporan Penyiasatan Isi rumah 2004 kepada hanya 21,000 isi rumah miskin pada 2009. Disasarkan pada tahun 2015 kemiskinan dapat dikurangkan kepada tahap 2 peratus, menjadikan Malaysia Negara yang paling berjaya membasmi kemiskinan di dunia.
Saya tidak bermaksud untuk mempertikaikan lapuran kerajaan mengenai kedudulcan tarap kemiskinan ini tetapi saya melihat di kawasan saya Tuaran jumlah keluarga miskin masih ramai. Dalam lapuran e-kasih bertarikh 28hb April 2010 jumlah keluarga miskin tegar di Tuaran ialah 626 dan keluarga miskin ialah 1,020. Saya ingin memaklumkan dewan ini bahawa saya telah mengadakan satu kajian banci secara sampling di kawasan saya pada tahun 2009. Kajian ini komprihensif dan menggunakan kaedah lawatan dari rumah ke rumah yang terlibat. Data yang saya akan bentangkan adalah berdasarkan data hasil kajian yang intensif di 45 buah kampung di Tuaran, satu kajian yang merupakan kajian isirumah yang melihat keadaan sosio ekonomi dan kemudahan asas di peringkat kampung. Hasil kajian menunjukkan 42 peratus isi rumah dalam kajian berada dalam kemiskinan tegar dan 20 peratus lagi adalah dikategorikan miskin relatif. Saya amat terkilan sekali bahawa tahap kemiskinan 62 peratus di Tuaran adalah lebih tinggi daripada kemiskinan di Malaysia sebelum DEB. Saya percaya juga realiti di Tuaran merupakan realiti di kebanyakan kawasan luar bandar di Sabah dan Sarawak.
56 peratus penduduk dalam kajian ini bergantung pada air graviti yang menurut World Health Organization diklasfikasi sebagai “untreated water.” Rancangan Malaysia Kesepuiuh menyarankan penyediaan air paip untuk 98 peratus rakyat di Sabah. Saya ucap terima kasih kerana ada peruntukan untuk naik tarap bekalan air di Tuaran. Walau bagaimanapun memandangkan keadaan permukaan tanah yang berbukit-bukau di Tuaran saya berpendapat sasaran 95% bekalan air dalam tempoh RM10 sukar untuk dicapai. Saya ingin mencadangkan kepada kerajaan untuk menggunapakai kaedah “in-situ treatment” yang sudah ada untuk mengatasi masalah inl.
Saya kecewa kerana Rancangan MaIaysia Ke-10 tidak mengandungi apa-apa perancangan kerajaan untuk mengatasi dan menyelesaikan masaalah pendatang tanpa izin terutamanya di negeri Sabah, satu-satunya negeri yang dilanda oleh masaalah ini. Perkara ini telah berkali-kali ditimbulkan dalam Dewan ini oleh beberapa Ahli Parlimen dari Sabah sejak sekian lama. Namun jawapan yang diberi olih kerajaan mencerminkan seolah-olah kerajaan mengelak isu ini. Oleh kerana kerajaan terus-menerus membisu datam perkara ini maka ianya menimbulkan sangkaan rakyat Sabah sama ada kerajaan persekutuan mempunyai perancangan atau program tersembunyi dalam hal masalah pendatang haram ini.
Masalah pendatang tanpa izin ini berkait langsung dengan isu pembasmian kemiskinan di Sabah di mana dilapurkan terdapat jumlah insiden kemiskinan yang kedua terbanyak di Malaysia. Kehadiran jutaan pendatang tanpa izin ini sudah tentu meningkatkan jumlah penduduk yang miskin di negeri Sabah. Mereka ini menikmati kemudahan yang dilberi oleh kerajaan, saperti kesihatan, pelajaran, keselamatan dan sebagainya. Seharusnya keadaan ini memerlukan program yang kongkrit dalam RMKe-10. Saya ingin bertanya kepada YAB Perdana Menteri apakah program kerajaan persekutuan untuk mengatasi masaalah in dalam 5 tahun akan datang?
Saya juga ingin bertanya kepada Kementerian dalam Negeri sama ada isu pendatang asing tanpa izin termasuk dalam KPI sebagai keutamaan Kementerian?
Saya telah memobon dalam Dewan Yang Mulia ini kepada Menteri Dalam Negeri agar beliau dapat menjelaskan kenyataan Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara di Sabah bahawa tiada MyKad diberi [dikeluarkan] kepada pendatang asing tanpa izin. Beliau telah menyatakan tiada MyKad / Kap Pengenalan telah diberikan dan beliau meminta jika ada butir dan bukti agar disampalkan kepada beliau untuk siasatan dan tindakan selanjutnya. Saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada Menteri. Saya akan sampaikan butiran dan bukti. Tetapi saya minta jaminan dari Menteri bahawa tindakan konkrit dan tegas akan diambil ke atas maklumat tersebut.
Masaalah pendatang tanpa izin pemah dibawa kepada Jawatankuasa Integriti pada tahun 2006. Jawatankuasa ini telah bermesyuarat di Kota Kinabalu untuk mendengar keterangan dari beberapa pihak. Apabila Jawatankuasa tersebut bermesyuarat di Kuala Lumpur, Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara dan Jabatan Imigresen telah dipanggil untuk mereka memberikan penjelasan tetapi malangnya mereka enggan untuk hadir menyebabkan Pengerusinya YB Tan Sri Bernard Dompok meletakkan jawatan sebagai pengerusi atas dasar prinsip. Saya percaya banyak maklumat terdapat pada Jawatankuasa ini dan kalau pihak kementerian betul-betul mahu mengambil tindakan maka mereka boleh perolehi maklumat ini dari Jawatankuasa tersebut.
Rancangan Malaysia kesepuluh yang bertemakan “Rancangan Kemakmuran Ekonomi dan Keadilan Sosial” secara amnya memberi penekanan yang khusus untuk membawa pembangunan kepada masyarakat yang terpinggir dan dalam masa yang sama memberi focus untuk menjadikan Malaysia sebuah Negara gergasi dalam bidang ekonomL
Untuk Sabah, penekanan pada penyediaan air paip untuk 98 peratus penduduk merupakan satu usaha yang diperlukan. Demikian juga penyedian bekalan letrik untuk semua isirumah dan menambah jaringan jalanraya sepanjang 2,540 kilometer.
Bantuan khas akan juga diberikan kepada masyarakat minoriti Sabah yang terpinggir seperti Bisayah, Orang Sungei, Rungus, Tidong dan Suluk. Penyediaan rumah bagi mereka yang miskin juga akan diberi perhatian. Saya ingin bertanya kenapa suku kaum Kadazandusun tidak digolongkan sebagai kaum yang terpinggir sedangkan kaum ini pada keseluruhannya merasakan mereka juga tertinggal dalam banyak aspek.
Untuk membolehkan semua kaum maju bersama, kerajaan harus melaksanakan dan mengamalkan dasar yang terbuka dan adil kepada semua dalam semua bidang seperti dalam perkhidmatan kerajaan, peluang perniagaan dan sebagainya. Pemimpin mencetuskan dasar yang baik tetapi selama ini banyak insiden di mana pegawai pelaksana dasar mengamalkan dirkriminasi. Untuk membolehkan gagasan 1Malaysia itu benar-benar berjaya dalam erti kata yang sebenarnya saya mencadangkan agar YAB Perdana Menteri mengarahkan agar satu mekanisme pemantauan di semua peringkat agar amalan diskriminasi dapat dicegah. Ini sangat penting kerana selagi ada kaum yang merasa terpinggir dan didiskriminasikan maka selagi itulah objektif Satu Malaysia tidak akan tercapai.
Perlu juga saya utarakan sekali lagi ada korelasi di antara inflasi dan kemiskinan. Kajian di Tuaran membuktikan bahawa barangan pengguna dan pengangkutan awam di kampung meningkat kos sebanyak 39 peratus akibat daripada kenaikan harga minyak. Akibatnya ialah, yang miskin bertambah miskin dan yang dikategorikan sebagai relatif miskin menjadi miskin tegar. Pendek kata kemiskinan di luarbandar meningkat secara drastik. Perlu diketahui juga akibat "sticky prices” maka harga barang tidak menurun walaupun harga minyak sudah menurun. Malah 63 peratus penduduk mengatakan bahawa kos hidup meningkat mendadak sejak 2008. Kerajaan harus berhati-hati dengan saranan dalam RMKeI0 bahawa penghapusan subsidi perlu dilaksanakan tanpa memberikan kaedah yang spesifik bagaimana masvarakat miskin di luar Bandar akan dibantu. Kenaikan harga barang akan meningkatkan kadar kemiskinan di luar bandar untuk kali kedua sejak 2008.
Saya ingin menyentuh dua perkara khusus dalam kawasan Tuaran. Pertamanva saya harap kerajaan melaksanakan pembinaan hospital Tuaran tanpa lengah lagi kerana rakyat Tuaran sudah sekian lama menderita kerana ketiadaan hospital berkatil memandangkan kesesakan di hospital Kota Kinabalu.
5aya juga memyu agar kerajaan melaksanakan jambatan penghubung dua wilayah Tuaran. Penduduk yang tinggal disebelah sungai Tuaran terpaksa mengarnbil masa selama setengah jam untuk pergi ke Pekan Tuaran. Projek Jambatan yang dipohon membolihkan mereka sampai ke pekan Tuaran hanya daJam masa 3 minit. Projek ini sudah sekian lama dinanti-nantikan oleh rakyat tempatan.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Bumburing Terima Cabaran Hishamuddin
Oleh Mutalib M.D.
IBARAT kata pepatah, jika takut dilambung ombak, jangan berumah di tepi pantai. Begitulah iltizam Ahli Parlimen Tuaran, Datuk Wilfred Mojilip Bumburing sebelum mengemukakan soalan kepada Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Hishamuddin berhubung isu pendatang asing yang diberikan taraf kerakyatan songsang di Sabah.
“Saya terima cabaran Datuk Seri Hishamuddin demi masa hadapan Sabah dan keselamatan generasi akan datang. Saya akan mengemukakan bukti yang beliau kehendaki dalam masa yang terdekat; bukan kerana saya menentang dasar kerajaan, tetapi ingin membela kepentingan Sabah dalam Persekutuan Malaysia,” ujar Wilfred dalam pertemuan khas dengan Editor di sebuah hotel terkemuka kelmarin.
Tidak dapat tidak, kata Wilfred, beliau wajib tampil dengan bukti yang melampaui keraguan munasabah demi kepentingan seluruh rakyat Sabah yang diranjau masalah kerakyatan songsang sejak 1972 lagi dan kini semakin parah ekoran kehadiran generasi kedua, ketiga dan seterusnya yang dilahirkan oleh mereka yang mendapat kerakyatan songsang.
“Dalam hal ini, saya bukan mencabar Datuk Seri Hishamuddin tetapi beliau mencabar saya dan seluruh rakyat Sabah untuk membuktikan dan mendedahkan X-Files yang menjadi kebimbangan kami selama ini,” ujar Bumburing yang menegaskan bahawa isu ini bukan lagi menjadi rahsia lagi di Sabah dan telah menjadi isu nasional kerana ratusan ribu mereka yang mendapat kerakyatan songsang kini berhijrah ke Semenanjung Malaysia dan Negara luar.
Kerakyatan songsang ini, kata Wilfred, bukan sahaja melibatkan pendatang tanpa izin atau pendatang haram Filipina, Pakistan dan Indonesia, malah warganegara China dan India yang telah mendominasi ekonomi dan politik tempatan Sabah.
“Saya amat berbesar hati sekiranya Datuk Seri Hishamuddin dapat menyelesaikan masalah yang menjadi trauma kepada rakyat Sabah selama ini kerana semua Menteri Dalam Negeri sebelum ini yang gagal menyelesaikan masalah tersebut secara tuntas kerana tidak ada ‘political will’.
Dengan kesungguhan Hishamuddin mencabar beliau, kata Wilfred, membuktikan keikhlasan Hishamuddin untuk menjaga Sabah yang diberi jolokan sebagai ‘Fixed Deposit’ Barisan Nasional dan menyuci dosa pemimpin lalu yang mengabaikan keluhan rakyat Sabah.
Krisis identiti dan kerakyatan songsang kata Wilfred telah memasuki fasa kronik sehingga melibatkan tapisan keselamatan menjadi longgar kerana telah terbukti mereka yang mendapat kad pengenalan projek sudah boleh menjadi Adun dan isteri kepada Ahli Parlimen.
“Beri peluang dan sedikit masa kepada saya untuk menyediakan bukti nyata yang selama ini menjadi bom jangka di Sabah. Semoga rakyat Sabah bersama saya,” ujar Wilfred yang memerlukan sokongan moral daripada Anak Jati Sabah yang selama ini dihimpit dengan pelbagai isu yang berpunca daripada kerakyatan songsang yang telah menafikan hak mereka memilih kerajaan mengikut kemahuan diri dan menjurutera masa hadapan mereka sendiri.
Apabila siap kelak, kata Wilfred, beliau akan mengemukakan bukti tersebut untuk dianalisa oleh semua Ahli Parlimen di Dewan Rakyat sebagai pemudah cara untuk menyelesaikan isu kerakyatan songsang secara holistik dan bijaksana.
Lihat Selanjutnya di:
IBARAT kata pepatah, jika takut dilambung ombak, jangan berumah di tepi pantai. Begitulah iltizam Ahli Parlimen Tuaran, Datuk Wilfred Mojilip Bumburing sebelum mengemukakan soalan kepada Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Hishamuddin berhubung isu pendatang asing yang diberikan taraf kerakyatan songsang di Sabah.
“Saya terima cabaran Datuk Seri Hishamuddin demi masa hadapan Sabah dan keselamatan generasi akan datang. Saya akan mengemukakan bukti yang beliau kehendaki dalam masa yang terdekat; bukan kerana saya menentang dasar kerajaan, tetapi ingin membela kepentingan Sabah dalam Persekutuan Malaysia,” ujar Wilfred dalam pertemuan khas dengan Editor di sebuah hotel terkemuka kelmarin.
Tidak dapat tidak, kata Wilfred, beliau wajib tampil dengan bukti yang melampaui keraguan munasabah demi kepentingan seluruh rakyat Sabah yang diranjau masalah kerakyatan songsang sejak 1972 lagi dan kini semakin parah ekoran kehadiran generasi kedua, ketiga dan seterusnya yang dilahirkan oleh mereka yang mendapat kerakyatan songsang.
“Dalam hal ini, saya bukan mencabar Datuk Seri Hishamuddin tetapi beliau mencabar saya dan seluruh rakyat Sabah untuk membuktikan dan mendedahkan X-Files yang menjadi kebimbangan kami selama ini,” ujar Bumburing yang menegaskan bahawa isu ini bukan lagi menjadi rahsia lagi di Sabah dan telah menjadi isu nasional kerana ratusan ribu mereka yang mendapat kerakyatan songsang kini berhijrah ke Semenanjung Malaysia dan Negara luar.
Kerakyatan songsang ini, kata Wilfred, bukan sahaja melibatkan pendatang tanpa izin atau pendatang haram Filipina, Pakistan dan Indonesia, malah warganegara China dan India yang telah mendominasi ekonomi dan politik tempatan Sabah.
“Saya amat berbesar hati sekiranya Datuk Seri Hishamuddin dapat menyelesaikan masalah yang menjadi trauma kepada rakyat Sabah selama ini kerana semua Menteri Dalam Negeri sebelum ini yang gagal menyelesaikan masalah tersebut secara tuntas kerana tidak ada ‘political will’.
Dengan kesungguhan Hishamuddin mencabar beliau, kata Wilfred, membuktikan keikhlasan Hishamuddin untuk menjaga Sabah yang diberi jolokan sebagai ‘Fixed Deposit’ Barisan Nasional dan menyuci dosa pemimpin lalu yang mengabaikan keluhan rakyat Sabah.
Krisis identiti dan kerakyatan songsang kata Wilfred telah memasuki fasa kronik sehingga melibatkan tapisan keselamatan menjadi longgar kerana telah terbukti mereka yang mendapat kad pengenalan projek sudah boleh menjadi Adun dan isteri kepada Ahli Parlimen.
“Beri peluang dan sedikit masa kepada saya untuk menyediakan bukti nyata yang selama ini menjadi bom jangka di Sabah. Semoga rakyat Sabah bersama saya,” ujar Wilfred yang memerlukan sokongan moral daripada Anak Jati Sabah yang selama ini dihimpit dengan pelbagai isu yang berpunca daripada kerakyatan songsang yang telah menafikan hak mereka memilih kerajaan mengikut kemahuan diri dan menjurutera masa hadapan mereka sendiri.
Apabila siap kelak, kata Wilfred, beliau akan mengemukakan bukti tersebut untuk dianalisa oleh semua Ahli Parlimen di Dewan Rakyat sebagai pemudah cara untuk menyelesaikan isu kerakyatan songsang secara holistik dan bijaksana.
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Pengeluaran Kad Pengenalam Malaysia kepada PTI: Menteri Dalam Negeri bilang tidak betul.
YB Datuk Wilfred M. Bumburing yang mengemukakan soalan lisan kepada Menteri Dalam Negeri berhubung PTI di Sabah yang mendapat Kad Pengenalan dan MyKad. Berikut adalah sedutan daripada jawapan Menteri Dalam Negeri kepada soalan lisan YB datuk Bumburing pada 16 Jun 2010.
Komen anda serta sesiapa yang ada bukti mengenai hal ini sila kemukakan ke Pejabat ADR Tuaran.
Pertanyaan Lisan Rujukan 2710
Daripada: YB Datuk Wilfred Bumburing DWMB [Tuaran]
Tarikh: 16 Jun 2010
YB Datuk Wilfred M. Bumburing bertanya kepada MENTERI DALAM NEGERI minta menyatakan keterangan selanjutnya mengenai Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara bahawa tiada MyKad telah diberi kepada pendatang haram sedangkan adalah menjadi fakta dengan bukti bahawa beribu-ribu pendatang haram di Sabah telah memperolehi kad kerakyatan.
Tuan Yang Dipertua (TYD), Saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Ahli YB Tuaran yang mengemukakan pertanyaan.
Untuk Makluman ahli Yang Berhormat, Kerajaan hanya mengeluarkan Kad Pengenalan MyKad kepada warganegara yang layak mengikut peraturan-peraturan Pendaftaran Negara 1990, Akta Pendaftaran Negara 1959 (Akta 78) dan Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Adalah disahkan bahawa Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara tidak pernah mengeluarkan Kad Pengenalan kepada pendatang haram atau mana-mana orang yang tidak mempunyai status taraf warganegara.
TYD, Walau bagaimanapun, sekiranya terdapat bukti bahawa beribu-ribu pendatang haram di Sabah yang dikeluarkan MyKad sepertimana yang dinyatakan olei Ahli YB Tuaran, Kementerian memohon kerjasama Ahli YB supaya memberi maklumat-maklumat lengkap terus kepada saya untuk disiasat dan diambil tindakan tegas terhadap pegawai-pegawai yang dimaksudkan.
Komen anda serta sesiapa yang ada bukti mengenai hal ini sila kemukakan ke Pejabat ADR Tuaran.
Pertanyaan Lisan Rujukan 2710
Daripada: YB Datuk Wilfred Bumburing DWMB [Tuaran]
Tarikh: 16 Jun 2010
YB Datuk Wilfred M. Bumburing bertanya kepada MENTERI DALAM NEGERI minta menyatakan keterangan selanjutnya mengenai Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara bahawa tiada MyKad telah diberi kepada pendatang haram sedangkan adalah menjadi fakta dengan bukti bahawa beribu-ribu pendatang haram di Sabah telah memperolehi kad kerakyatan.
Tuan Yang Dipertua (TYD), Saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Ahli YB Tuaran yang mengemukakan pertanyaan.
Untuk Makluman ahli Yang Berhormat, Kerajaan hanya mengeluarkan Kad Pengenalan MyKad kepada warganegara yang layak mengikut peraturan-peraturan Pendaftaran Negara 1990, Akta Pendaftaran Negara 1959 (Akta 78) dan Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Adalah disahkan bahawa Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara tidak pernah mengeluarkan Kad Pengenalan kepada pendatang haram atau mana-mana orang yang tidak mempunyai status taraf warganegara.
TYD, Walau bagaimanapun, sekiranya terdapat bukti bahawa beribu-ribu pendatang haram di Sabah yang dikeluarkan MyKad sepertimana yang dinyatakan olei Ahli YB Tuaran, Kementerian memohon kerjasama Ahli YB supaya memberi maklumat-maklumat lengkap terus kepada saya untuk disiasat dan diambil tindakan tegas terhadap pegawai-pegawai yang dimaksudkan.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Somebody had better tell the truth!


TUARAN MP, Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred M. Bumburing welcome the announcement by Home Minister Datuk Hishammudin Hussein that citizenship process may be shortened and said that the announcement by the Home Minister is timely. However, Datuk Wilfred Bumburing who is also UPKO deputy President said that the subsequent action by the National Registration Department (NRD) in the context of Sabah should be broaden to include children born of mix parentage where either the father or mother is of different nationality.
Bumburing said: “ In relation to this, I urge the NRD and the Home Ministry to look into the recent reply by the ministry on the same issue I raised in Parliament where I asked that ‘Those who are involved [children of mix parentage] have tried in vain for many years [to apply for Malaysian citizenship] but that their effort have been fruitless. The National Registration Department advised them to go to Putrajawa to be interviewed and for other requirements. Many among these people who are involved came from poor families and they have no money to travel to Putrajaya. Why not the Minsitry of Home Affairs authorized their officers in Kota Kinabalu to solve this problem? I urge the ministry concern to include this issue in their KPI. The people should be made the priority and to not make this a burden to them.’ In their written reply to my question and proposal, the Deputy Home Minister stated that they have never asked anyone from Sabah to present themselves in Putrajaya. However, I beg to differ. I receive two complaints from my constituency from two different people who have been asked by the Home Ministry to go the Ministry’s office in Putrajaya to present themselves there under Article 15A of the Constitution. One such letter was dated December 17, 2009 addressed to En. Imbul @ Stephen Bin Madulin Reference number KDN(S)158/560/2/2-62138 (S) and the other letter dated January 6, 2010 addressed to En. Joseph Bin Sambuling Reference number KDN(S):158/560/2/2-45210(S). The letter whose addressed on the letterhead is in Putrajaya asked both person to ‘hadir ke Kementerian ini dengan membawa surat ini dan dokumen yang berkaitan dengan permohonan tersebut. Wakil adalah tidak dibenarkan.’ The last phrase was printed in bold. I am perplexed and confused because what the Ministry said in reply to my proposal was totally different from what his officials are doing. I therefore urge the Minister to actually implement what he have announced not just in the context of Hulu Selangor, but in the contexts of Sabah and Sabah Pasok Momogun as well who have yet to be granted Malaysian Citizenship.”
TUARAN MP, Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred M. Bumburing welcome the announcement by Home Minister Datuk Hishammudin Hussein that citizenship process may be shortened and said that the announcement by the Home Minister is timely. However, Datuk Wilfred Bumburing who is also UPKO deputy President said that the subsequent action by the National Registration Department (NRD) in the context of Sabah should be broaden to include children born of mix parentage where either the father or mother is of different nationality.
Bumburing said: “ In relation to this, I urge the NRD and the Home Ministry to look into the recent reply by the ministry on the same issue I raised in Parliament where I asked that ‘Those who are involved [children of mix parentage] have tried in vain for many years [to apply for Malaysian citizenship] but that their effort have been fruitless. The National Registration Department advised them to go to Putrajawa to be interviewed and for other requirements. Many among these people who are involved came from poor families and they have no money to travel to Putrajaya. Why not the Minsitry of Home Affairs authorized their officers in Kota Kinabalu to solve this problem? I urge the ministry concern to include this issue in their KPI. The people should be made the priority and to not make this a burden to them.’ In their written reply to my question and proposal, the Deputy Home Minister stated that they have never asked anyone from Sabah to present themselves in Putrajaya. However, I beg to differ. I receive two complaints from my constituency from two different people who have been asked by the Home Ministry to go the Ministry’s office in Putrajaya to present themselves there under Article 15A of the Constitution. One such letter was dated December 17, 2009 addressed to En. Imbul @ Stephen Bin Madulin Reference number KDN(S)158/560/2/2-62138 (S) and the other letter dated January 6, 2010 addressed to En. Joseph Bin Sambuling Reference number KDN(S):158/560/2/2-45210(S). The letter whose addressed on the letterhead is in Putrajaya asked both person to ‘hadir ke Kementerian ini dengan membawa surat ini dan dokumen yang berkaitan dengan permohonan tersebut. Wakil adalah tidak dibenarkan.’ The last phrase was printed in bold. I am perplexed and confused because what the Ministry said in reply to my proposal was totally different from what his officials are doing. I therefore urge the Minister to actually implement what he have announced not just in the context of Hulu Selangor, but in the contexts of Sabah and Sabah Pasok Momogun as well who have yet to be granted Malaysian Citizenship.”
Thursday, March 25, 2010
"FIXED DEPOSIT" might turn into "DEFICIT"
MARCH 25, 2010
The 1Malaysia concept mooted by the Prime Minister have given a new breath of life to the people of Malaysia in general as this concept is not taking into consideration any particular race, religion and background. The main thrust of the 1Malaysia concept is justice for all. I hereby quote a statement from the book "Program Tranfomasi Kerajaan" that says “Perpaduan aspirasi di kalangan rakyat Malaysia adalah pra-syarat bagi mencapai WAWASAN 2020.”
This is indeed true in its truest sense and I believe no Malaysian would question the fact that was stated therein. In regards to unity, all quarters must envision and practice the reality of this ideal. We must accept the fact that the people of Malaysia are made up of various ethnic groups. The diverse racial composition of Malaysia can be the strength as well as the weakness in our efforts to develop this nation. This all depends on our methods of management and application approach towards this diversity. In short, the people of Malaysia are equal. There are no MASTERS and there are no NON-MASTERS. There should not be a situation where “ALL ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS”. This is in line with the core idea of the Hala Tuju PROGRAM TRANSFORMASI KERAJAAN plan which should clearly outline the concept that “A nation where, it is hoped, every Malaysian perceives himself as Malaysian first, and by race,religion, geographical region or socio-economic background second). But there must exist a two way traffic where the government should first consider each individual as Malaysian.
Maybe there will arise question as to why the need for another form of administrative and development concept whenever a new Prime Minister is appointed. The late Tun Abdul Razak with the Dasar Economi Baru; Tun Dr Mahathir, Wawasan 2020; YB Tun Abdullah Badawi with the slogan of Cemerlang, Gemilang dan Terbilang and now this 1Malaysia. Is this 1Malaysia concept a continuation of the previous concept or is it a new one which is needed to deal with the new situation which arises out of the previous policy? In the document Program Trasformasi Kerajaan, the government admitted that, and I quote: “PERLAKSANAAN DEB JUGA MEMBAWA KEPADA KEADAAN YANG TIDAK DIDUGA, TERMASUK KEMUNCULAN ‘EKONOMI DWI-KELAJUAN’, MELUASKAN KETIDAK-SAMARATAN, PENINGKATAN PERASAAN TIDAK BERPUAS HATI DAN BILANGAN RAKYAT BERBAKAT MENINGGALKAN NEGARA KIAN MENINGKAT”
I held in high esteem the government’s admission over this matter as this really reflect the true situation. Indeed, the pre-condition to the success of any policy must be based on factual problematic situation and mjust be designed and targeted to address the actual situation. In light of this, Malaysian must act together in openness and sincerity based on the true meaning of the 1Malaysia concept.
I would like to touch specifically on a few points which I believe is very important to be given serious attention and affirmative action if we want the 1Malaysia concept to succeed.
The people’s and Nation’s economic development must be based on unity among all the people without looking into their political and religious leanings and racial background. Unity can only be achieved when every citizen are treated with fairness and given the same opportunity in all fields under the government system of administration. The struggle to unite a diverse group of people in any country is a daunting and challenging task. Since independence, the government had mobilized resources and expenditures towards a unity program. But until today, unity is yet to be achieved. In fact racial polarization continues to exist here and there including inside this respected House.
We can not deny that the New Economic Policy have helped many bumiputra in many ways even though there are still those who think that it had only helped a few bumiputra individual only. At the same time, the non-bumiputra felt they have been sidelined although their rights have not been neglected. In the Sabah context, I can not deny that the NEP have helped only a portion of the bumiputra minority there. Nevertheless, many among this bumiputra minority felt that they have not enjoyed the level of development as enjoyed by the bumiputra in Peninsular Malaysia. The indigenous people (Orang-orang Asli) are also still lagging behind in many development aspect. In a dialog with former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir several years ago, the issue of the Native Minority in Sabah and Sarawak was put to him and his response then was “IT WAS OVERLOOK” (TERLIMPAS PANDANG), and he had promised then that he would introduce as specific program to address this “oversight.” The question here is, Why did this has to happened? Is it that this minority groups had ceased to exist and was drown in the big bumiputra group like a drop of rain that fell into the ocean. The 18% achievement by the bumiputra under the NEP, theer are no statistic to show the achievement of the bumiputra minority in Sabah or in Sarawak.
The Prime Minister has said that Sabah and also Sarawak are the “FIXED DEPOSIT” of the government and both regions have been made the example for this 1Malaysia concept. The Native Minoriti (in these two States) are also part of this “fixed deposit.” And if the interest given to this “fixed deposit” are low, as what current banks are giving to depositors, the I am afraid that we might loose this “fixed deposit.”
As I have mentioned earlier, I am confident that the prime Minister is sincere in his transformation programs. The implementation of this program also require sincerity in all level of implementation, be it at Minsiterial level or departmental level. There should no longer exist the discriminatory practice by certain departmental administrators in the recruitment and promotion of civil servants and promotion exercise which are based on ethnic or religious background. I am sincere in expressing hereto that it has been the talk among the Kadazandusun that they felt they are second class bumiputra in this nation called Malaysia.
It would be not fair for me if I don’t mention here that there are many government programs which are good and are considered racially blind. This is to say that these programs were well and fairly implemented which are not racially discriminating in nature. As an example among these programs are the PROGRAM CARI, SUBUR DAN IKTIAR. The only form of discrimination in the implementation of this program is the gap between the poor and the “not poor.” I congratulate the Ministry concerned. I hope the other Ministry must be brave in giving instruction to their implementing officers to completely eradicate this form of discrimination. Only when economic and social justice exist can we truly be confident that unity can be achieved and enhance the development of this Nation. The spirit of comradeship will exist and at the same time the spirit of patriotism will be enhanced and the nation will no longer be faced with a “brain-drain” situation.
The Malaysian Federation was formed based on the Constitution that guarantees the freedom of religions with Islam as the respected official religion of the country. We have nurtured this freedom for many years and the people have lived alongside each other in harmony and in peace. Malaysia is known in the international community as among the best harmonious sovereign nation having the highest level of religious tolerance. However, we are sad over the incident on the controversial use of the word Allah by the Catholic Church in its newspaper. As this case is pending in the courts I will therefore not delve too much on this topic. However, I hope the government can find the best solution on this issue. I fully support the initiative to find a solution to this issue outside the courts. In the event that the court would be the final avenue to solve this problem then the Malaysian public must therefore respect the decision of the court, and uphold the federal constitution. I am sadden to see that there certain people who are refused to accept the court’s ruling when the decision is not in their favor and have resorted to attacking church buildings and mosques. Indeed, this incident has become a black history in Malaysia’s chapters. The people as whole are hoping that the government will take a firm action against those responsible for this despicable acts.
I am also happy to note that one of the core aspect of this PROGRAM REFOMASI KERAJAAN is to find a solution to the problem of racial and religious polarity. This includes initiatives to foster deeper understanding through the formation of a consultative panel. Along this lines, I propose that the INTER-RELIGIOUS COUNCIL which was formed earlier be reactivated to deal with this issue. I understand that there are certain group of people who are against the formation of this body. However, I seincerely believed that consultation and discussion made throught this council will e beneficial to us. As part of the effort by the government in transforming this nation, and because religious issues are very important for multiracial Malaysia, I therefore would like to propose to the Prime Minister that a Ministry be formed, or at least a special department be formed which would be tasked to look into the religious matters so that any issues that might arise would solved and avoid any controversy.
In relation to this religious issues, I also would like to appeal to the government to immediately solve the problem relating to the seizure of religious material by the Royal Custom Department. I have been made to understand that this books are produced in Indonesia. Why was this book permitted by the Indonesian Government to be printed there and why are they banned in Malaysia? In the spirit of 1Malaysia, I sincerely hope that this issue can be solved at the earliest possible. Aside from that, I also hope that the spying incident by two journalist from the Al-Islam magazine when they attended a religious activity in a Catholic Church will not happen again because the action by these two reporters has offended the Catholics.
I also would to briefly state here the problem in the issuance of identity card by Children of mix parentage between a Malaysian and a foreigner, specifically in the context of Sabah many of whom involved marriages between a Sabahan and either a Filipino or and Indonesian. Many of their children now are faced with the problem of applying for identity card. This problem become more serious when they enter secondary schools due to not having an identity card.
Those who are involved have tried in vain for many years but that their effort have been fruitless. The National Registration Department advised them to go to Putrajawa to be interviewed and for other requirements. Many among these people who are involved came from poor families and they have no money to travel to Putrajaya. Why not the Minsitry of Home Affairs authorized their officers in Kota Kinabalu to solve this problem? I urge the ministry concern to include this issue in their KPI. The people should be made the priority and to not make this a burden to them.
I have for countless times raised the issue of illegal immigrants and illegal issuance of identity cards in Sabah. To date, there are no action taken. If we take into account the enormity of this problem, indeed it should be made part of the government’s KPI. As I am becoming fed up with rasing this issue in this House, I will not go further in talking about it. I would just like to remind the government that if this problem is not dealt with positively in the soonest time possible, maybe that Fixed Deposit will soon turned into a deficit.
One final issue I would like to touch on here is the problem of illegal foregn workers in Sabah. We now have come to a situation where we have serious employment problem especially in the plantation sectors. This is because many foreign workers, especially Indonesian, have returned to their country because the development of Oil Palm plantation in Indonesia offered them comparatively the same salary scale as what they would receive in Sabah. There was at one time when the government offered amnesty to undocumented foreign workers. This program was able to solve the problem for many of these foreign workers. However, there are still many of those who were not able to legalize their stay in time. In order to solve the problem of inadequate manpower in this sector, I recommend that the government carry out another amnesty program. The Indonesian workers are also faced with the problems of legalizing their stay as the cost charged by their government in getting a legal document is very high. Through thisr amnesty program, many of those who are already in Sabah would be able to legalize their stay and be able to work in the plantation sector.
Lastly, I would like to state here that many people are anxiously waiting for the New Economic Model to be tabled by the Prime Minister. Surely there will be new hope and new aspirations to be expected. Whatever it would be, it my sincere hope that this new order will be able to offer an economic system that would be fair to all which at the same time would not sideline the need for affirmative action to solve the problem of the poor and those who are still backward.
MARCH 25, 2010
The 1Malaysia concept mooted by the Prime Minister have given a new breath of life to the people of Malaysia in general as this concept is not taking into consideration any particular race, religion and background. The main thrust of the 1Malaysia concept is justice for all. I hereby quote a statement from the book "Program Tranfomasi Kerajaan" that says “Perpaduan aspirasi di kalangan rakyat Malaysia adalah pra-syarat bagi mencapai WAWASAN 2020.”
This is indeed true in its truest sense and I believe no Malaysian would question the fact that was stated therein. In regards to unity, all quarters must envision and practice the reality of this ideal. We must accept the fact that the people of Malaysia are made up of various ethnic groups. The diverse racial composition of Malaysia can be the strength as well as the weakness in our efforts to develop this nation. This all depends on our methods of management and application approach towards this diversity. In short, the people of Malaysia are equal. There are no MASTERS and there are no NON-MASTERS. There should not be a situation where “ALL ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS”. This is in line with the core idea of the Hala Tuju PROGRAM TRANSFORMASI KERAJAAN plan which should clearly outline the concept that “A nation where, it is hoped, every Malaysian perceives himself as Malaysian first, and by race,religion, geographical region or socio-economic background second). But there must exist a two way traffic where the government should first consider each individual as Malaysian.
Maybe there will arise question as to why the need for another form of administrative and development concept whenever a new Prime Minister is appointed. The late Tun Abdul Razak with the Dasar Economi Baru; Tun Dr Mahathir, Wawasan 2020; YB Tun Abdullah Badawi with the slogan of Cemerlang, Gemilang dan Terbilang and now this 1Malaysia. Is this 1Malaysia concept a continuation of the previous concept or is it a new one which is needed to deal with the new situation which arises out of the previous policy? In the document Program Trasformasi Kerajaan, the government admitted that, and I quote: “PERLAKSANAAN DEB JUGA MEMBAWA KEPADA KEADAAN YANG TIDAK DIDUGA, TERMASUK KEMUNCULAN ‘EKONOMI DWI-KELAJUAN’, MELUASKAN KETIDAK-SAMARATAN, PENINGKATAN PERASAAN TIDAK BERPUAS HATI DAN BILANGAN RAKYAT BERBAKAT MENINGGALKAN NEGARA KIAN MENINGKAT”
I held in high esteem the government’s admission over this matter as this really reflect the true situation. Indeed, the pre-condition to the success of any policy must be based on factual problematic situation and mjust be designed and targeted to address the actual situation. In light of this, Malaysian must act together in openness and sincerity based on the true meaning of the 1Malaysia concept.
I would like to touch specifically on a few points which I believe is very important to be given serious attention and affirmative action if we want the 1Malaysia concept to succeed.
The people’s and Nation’s economic development must be based on unity among all the people without looking into their political and religious leanings and racial background. Unity can only be achieved when every citizen are treated with fairness and given the same opportunity in all fields under the government system of administration. The struggle to unite a diverse group of people in any country is a daunting and challenging task. Since independence, the government had mobilized resources and expenditures towards a unity program. But until today, unity is yet to be achieved. In fact racial polarization continues to exist here and there including inside this respected House.
We can not deny that the New Economic Policy have helped many bumiputra in many ways even though there are still those who think that it had only helped a few bumiputra individual only. At the same time, the non-bumiputra felt they have been sidelined although their rights have not been neglected. In the Sabah context, I can not deny that the NEP have helped only a portion of the bumiputra minority there. Nevertheless, many among this bumiputra minority felt that they have not enjoyed the level of development as enjoyed by the bumiputra in Peninsular Malaysia. The indigenous people (Orang-orang Asli) are also still lagging behind in many development aspect. In a dialog with former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir several years ago, the issue of the Native Minority in Sabah and Sarawak was put to him and his response then was “IT WAS OVERLOOK” (TERLIMPAS PANDANG), and he had promised then that he would introduce as specific program to address this “oversight.” The question here is, Why did this has to happened? Is it that this minority groups had ceased to exist and was drown in the big bumiputra group like a drop of rain that fell into the ocean. The 18% achievement by the bumiputra under the NEP, theer are no statistic to show the achievement of the bumiputra minority in Sabah or in Sarawak.
The Prime Minister has said that Sabah and also Sarawak are the “FIXED DEPOSIT” of the government and both regions have been made the example for this 1Malaysia concept. The Native Minoriti (in these two States) are also part of this “fixed deposit.” And if the interest given to this “fixed deposit” are low, as what current banks are giving to depositors, the I am afraid that we might loose this “fixed deposit.”
As I have mentioned earlier, I am confident that the prime Minister is sincere in his transformation programs. The implementation of this program also require sincerity in all level of implementation, be it at Minsiterial level or departmental level. There should no longer exist the discriminatory practice by certain departmental administrators in the recruitment and promotion of civil servants and promotion exercise which are based on ethnic or religious background. I am sincere in expressing hereto that it has been the talk among the Kadazandusun that they felt they are second class bumiputra in this nation called Malaysia.
It would be not fair for me if I don’t mention here that there are many government programs which are good and are considered racially blind. This is to say that these programs were well and fairly implemented which are not racially discriminating in nature. As an example among these programs are the PROGRAM CARI, SUBUR DAN IKTIAR. The only form of discrimination in the implementation of this program is the gap between the poor and the “not poor.” I congratulate the Ministry concerned. I hope the other Ministry must be brave in giving instruction to their implementing officers to completely eradicate this form of discrimination. Only when economic and social justice exist can we truly be confident that unity can be achieved and enhance the development of this Nation. The spirit of comradeship will exist and at the same time the spirit of patriotism will be enhanced and the nation will no longer be faced with a “brain-drain” situation.
The Malaysian Federation was formed based on the Constitution that guarantees the freedom of religions with Islam as the respected official religion of the country. We have nurtured this freedom for many years and the people have lived alongside each other in harmony and in peace. Malaysia is known in the international community as among the best harmonious sovereign nation having the highest level of religious tolerance. However, we are sad over the incident on the controversial use of the word Allah by the Catholic Church in its newspaper. As this case is pending in the courts I will therefore not delve too much on this topic. However, I hope the government can find the best solution on this issue. I fully support the initiative to find a solution to this issue outside the courts. In the event that the court would be the final avenue to solve this problem then the Malaysian public must therefore respect the decision of the court, and uphold the federal constitution. I am sadden to see that there certain people who are refused to accept the court’s ruling when the decision is not in their favor and have resorted to attacking church buildings and mosques. Indeed, this incident has become a black history in Malaysia’s chapters. The people as whole are hoping that the government will take a firm action against those responsible for this despicable acts.
I am also happy to note that one of the core aspect of this PROGRAM REFOMASI KERAJAAN is to find a solution to the problem of racial and religious polarity. This includes initiatives to foster deeper understanding through the formation of a consultative panel. Along this lines, I propose that the INTER-RELIGIOUS COUNCIL which was formed earlier be reactivated to deal with this issue. I understand that there are certain group of people who are against the formation of this body. However, I seincerely believed that consultation and discussion made throught this council will e beneficial to us. As part of the effort by the government in transforming this nation, and because religious issues are very important for multiracial Malaysia, I therefore would like to propose to the Prime Minister that a Ministry be formed, or at least a special department be formed which would be tasked to look into the religious matters so that any issues that might arise would solved and avoid any controversy.
In relation to this religious issues, I also would like to appeal to the government to immediately solve the problem relating to the seizure of religious material by the Royal Custom Department. I have been made to understand that this books are produced in Indonesia. Why was this book permitted by the Indonesian Government to be printed there and why are they banned in Malaysia? In the spirit of 1Malaysia, I sincerely hope that this issue can be solved at the earliest possible. Aside from that, I also hope that the spying incident by two journalist from the Al-Islam magazine when they attended a religious activity in a Catholic Church will not happen again because the action by these two reporters has offended the Catholics.
I also would to briefly state here the problem in the issuance of identity card by Children of mix parentage between a Malaysian and a foreigner, specifically in the context of Sabah many of whom involved marriages between a Sabahan and either a Filipino or and Indonesian. Many of their children now are faced with the problem of applying for identity card. This problem become more serious when they enter secondary schools due to not having an identity card.
Those who are involved have tried in vain for many years but that their effort have been fruitless. The National Registration Department advised them to go to Putrajawa to be interviewed and for other requirements. Many among these people who are involved came from poor families and they have no money to travel to Putrajaya. Why not the Minsitry of Home Affairs authorized their officers in Kota Kinabalu to solve this problem? I urge the ministry concern to include this issue in their KPI. The people should be made the priority and to not make this a burden to them.
I have for countless times raised the issue of illegal immigrants and illegal issuance of identity cards in Sabah. To date, there are no action taken. If we take into account the enormity of this problem, indeed it should be made part of the government’s KPI. As I am becoming fed up with rasing this issue in this House, I will not go further in talking about it. I would just like to remind the government that if this problem is not dealt with positively in the soonest time possible, maybe that Fixed Deposit will soon turned into a deficit.
One final issue I would like to touch on here is the problem of illegal foregn workers in Sabah. We now have come to a situation where we have serious employment problem especially in the plantation sectors. This is because many foreign workers, especially Indonesian, have returned to their country because the development of Oil Palm plantation in Indonesia offered them comparatively the same salary scale as what they would receive in Sabah. There was at one time when the government offered amnesty to undocumented foreign workers. This program was able to solve the problem for many of these foreign workers. However, there are still many of those who were not able to legalize their stay in time. In order to solve the problem of inadequate manpower in this sector, I recommend that the government carry out another amnesty program. The Indonesian workers are also faced with the problems of legalizing their stay as the cost charged by their government in getting a legal document is very high. Through thisr amnesty program, many of those who are already in Sabah would be able to legalize their stay and be able to work in the plantation sector.
Lastly, I would like to state here that many people are anxiously waiting for the New Economic Model to be tabled by the Prime Minister. Surely there will be new hope and new aspirations to be expected. Whatever it would be, it my sincere hope that this new order will be able to offer an economic system that would be fair to all which at the same time would not sideline the need for affirmative action to solve the problem of the poor and those who are still backward.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Bumburing Disappointed over Minister's Written Reply
Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred M Bumburing expressed his disappointment over the written reply given to him by the Minister of Health, Dato’ Sri Liow Tiong Lai when answering his oral question at the Dewan Rakyat on March 16, 2010 asking the Minister if he is aware that the Tuaran Hospital in Sabah is the only Hospital that has no ward or bed and when will the work on the Phase II of the hospital commence.
In his written reply, the Minister has said that, quote “Hospital Tuaran yang ada sekarang adalah pelaksanaan projek di bawah Fasa 1 pada tahun 1993 di mana perkhidmatan yang disediakan adalah untuk menyalurkan perkhidmatan kesihatan bagi rawatan pesakit luar sahaja. Oleh yang demikian, pembinaan Hospital Tuaran Fasa 1 dibina dengan tidak disediakan kemudahan katil. Bagi perancangan pembinaan Hospital Tuaran Fasa 2, perkhidmatan yang akan disediakan melibatkan perkhidmatan rawatan pesakit dalam di mana ianya melibatkan keperluan katil dan wad. Buat masa ini rekabentuk Fasa 2 yang dihasilkan menyediakan sebanyak 56 katil. Pihak JKR juga diminta untuk menyediakan kos bagi 76 katil supaya Kementerian Kesihatan mempunyai pilihan untuk perlaksanaan projek ini. Memandangkan RMK-9 akan berkahir pada tahun ini maka projek ini akan diteruskan dalam projek sambungan di bawah RMK-10.” Unquote.
Bumburing Said: “I am very disappointed with the written reply given as it still does not indicate whether the Phase II of the project will ever start. Furthermore, the project started and was completed in the 1990s, why should the Ministry wait for more than a decade to commence the second phase of the project? The nearest hospital with beds are almost 50 kilometers away in Kota Kinabalu and in Kota Belud, and it is only appropriate that a full fledged hospital should have been built in Tuaran immediately after the completion of the first phase. Before the ministry start building a new hospital in areas where it is near or in the vicinity of Kota Kinabalu, they must first consider upgrading the current Tuaran Hospital in line with the 1Malaysia concept.”
Meanwhile, Bumburing also urge the authorities to speed up the investigation over the recent attack on churches and mosques. He also expressed his disappointment over the written reply provided by the Home Ministry when it says, quote “ingin saya nyatakan tiada serangan ke atas masjid dan gereja, tetapi kejadian yang berlaku adalah perbuatan khianat menggunakan api. …Setakat ini sebanyak 2 kes perbuatan membakar surau dan 4 kes perbuatan membakar gereja telah berjaya diselesaikan oleh pihak Polis.” Unquote.
Bumburing said: “I urged the relevant authorities to fully investaigate, and if possible to investigate under the appropriate section of the laws so that whoever is involved, including perhaps those who are behind such attack will be brought to justices, and not just the ‘doer’ of the criminal acts.”
Bumburing made this statement after launching the first Annual General Meeting of the Tuaran Tagal Association at the Tamparuli Youth Hall which was held over the week end. Meanwhile, Bumburing praised the Fisheries Department for adopting the Tagal system as part of the department’s initiative in river conservation effort. RM500,000.00 allocation from the Federal Ministry of Environment have been approved to be disbursed to the respective Tagal groups along Tuaran and Kimaulau rivers and other villagers in the district who are are members of the Tuaran Tagal Association. Bumburing further said that the said allocation will be disbursed by his Administrative Office according to the respective needs for conservation by the various members.
In his written reply, the Minister has said that, quote “Hospital Tuaran yang ada sekarang adalah pelaksanaan projek di bawah Fasa 1 pada tahun 1993 di mana perkhidmatan yang disediakan adalah untuk menyalurkan perkhidmatan kesihatan bagi rawatan pesakit luar sahaja. Oleh yang demikian, pembinaan Hospital Tuaran Fasa 1 dibina dengan tidak disediakan kemudahan katil. Bagi perancangan pembinaan Hospital Tuaran Fasa 2, perkhidmatan yang akan disediakan melibatkan perkhidmatan rawatan pesakit dalam di mana ianya melibatkan keperluan katil dan wad. Buat masa ini rekabentuk Fasa 2 yang dihasilkan menyediakan sebanyak 56 katil. Pihak JKR juga diminta untuk menyediakan kos bagi 76 katil supaya Kementerian Kesihatan mempunyai pilihan untuk perlaksanaan projek ini. Memandangkan RMK-9 akan berkahir pada tahun ini maka projek ini akan diteruskan dalam projek sambungan di bawah RMK-10.” Unquote.
Bumburing Said: “I am very disappointed with the written reply given as it still does not indicate whether the Phase II of the project will ever start. Furthermore, the project started and was completed in the 1990s, why should the Ministry wait for more than a decade to commence the second phase of the project? The nearest hospital with beds are almost 50 kilometers away in Kota Kinabalu and in Kota Belud, and it is only appropriate that a full fledged hospital should have been built in Tuaran immediately after the completion of the first phase. Before the ministry start building a new hospital in areas where it is near or in the vicinity of Kota Kinabalu, they must first consider upgrading the current Tuaran Hospital in line with the 1Malaysia concept.”
Meanwhile, Bumburing also urge the authorities to speed up the investigation over the recent attack on churches and mosques. He also expressed his disappointment over the written reply provided by the Home Ministry when it says, quote “ingin saya nyatakan tiada serangan ke atas masjid dan gereja, tetapi kejadian yang berlaku adalah perbuatan khianat menggunakan api. …Setakat ini sebanyak 2 kes perbuatan membakar surau dan 4 kes perbuatan membakar gereja telah berjaya diselesaikan oleh pihak Polis.” Unquote.
Bumburing said: “I urged the relevant authorities to fully investaigate, and if possible to investigate under the appropriate section of the laws so that whoever is involved, including perhaps those who are behind such attack will be brought to justices, and not just the ‘doer’ of the criminal acts.”
Bumburing made this statement after launching the first Annual General Meeting of the Tuaran Tagal Association at the Tamparuli Youth Hall which was held over the week end. Meanwhile, Bumburing praised the Fisheries Department for adopting the Tagal system as part of the department’s initiative in river conservation effort. RM500,000.00 allocation from the Federal Ministry of Environment have been approved to be disbursed to the respective Tagal groups along Tuaran and Kimaulau rivers and other villagers in the district who are are members of the Tuaran Tagal Association. Bumburing further said that the said allocation will be disbursed by his Administrative Office according to the respective needs for conservation by the various members.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Tuaran, Friday March 5, 2010: Datuk Wilfred M Bumburing said that the current Hospital in Tuaran should be upgraded first by the Health Ministry and Health Department the current state of affairs of the Tuaran Hospital is in dire need for upgrading work. He also denied Lim Kit Siang allegation that the BN government has not done anything to develop Tuaran. Bumburing is responding to statement by Deputy Health Minister Datuk Rosnah on the proposed Kinarut Hospital as well as Lim Kit Siang’s statement alleging non-perpformance by BN in Tuaran. Extract of Bumburing’s statement are as follows:
“I can fully understand the major concern by Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin, the deputy minster, when she expounded the need for a hospital in Kinarut. I have brought to the attention of the ministry the condition of the so-called hospital in Tuaran since 2008. I tabled question last year about the same matter. In the 2010 budget I also draw the attention of the ministry to the state of the hospital in Tuaran. During a recent meeting between the Prime Minister and Sabah member of parliaments I have personally asked him why the announced budget of $120 million was reviewed by the ministry. The ministry had assured me in their answer that the second phase construction of the hospital will start this year.
I will be tabling a question on the same matter during the parliamentary sitting this month.
It is most sad that a hospital for large district like Tuaran, with a population of 120,000 has no bed at all. I was also told that the hospital had been down graded to a clinic in the past. In my speech last year to debate the 2010 budget I have outlined all the reason and rational as to why the construction of the hospital is most urgently needed.
DAP national adviser YB En. Lim Kit Siang, during a gathering in Tuaran recently had mentioned the hospital among other things. While appreciating his concern I have to mention that we in the Barisan Nasional have carried our duty and responsibility in bringing up to the relevant authorities matters that are of urgent public interest.
As to the Sungai Damit bridge I have already submitted an application and have discussed with the Minister of Rural Development, who had assured me that this will be looked into positively this year. I will also be seeking the minister on the progress of the project.
In regards to the communal hall in Tuaran, though there is a delay, Datuk Hajiji had assured that it can be used during the harvest festival this year.”
“I can fully understand the major concern by Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin, the deputy minster, when she expounded the need for a hospital in Kinarut. I have brought to the attention of the ministry the condition of the so-called hospital in Tuaran since 2008. I tabled question last year about the same matter. In the 2010 budget I also draw the attention of the ministry to the state of the hospital in Tuaran. During a recent meeting between the Prime Minister and Sabah member of parliaments I have personally asked him why the announced budget of $120 million was reviewed by the ministry. The ministry had assured me in their answer that the second phase construction of the hospital will start this year.
I will be tabling a question on the same matter during the parliamentary sitting this month.
It is most sad that a hospital for large district like Tuaran, with a population of 120,000 has no bed at all. I was also told that the hospital had been down graded to a clinic in the past. In my speech last year to debate the 2010 budget I have outlined all the reason and rational as to why the construction of the hospital is most urgently needed.
DAP national adviser YB En. Lim Kit Siang, during a gathering in Tuaran recently had mentioned the hospital among other things. While appreciating his concern I have to mention that we in the Barisan Nasional have carried our duty and responsibility in bringing up to the relevant authorities matters that are of urgent public interest.
As to the Sungai Damit bridge I have already submitted an application and have discussed with the Minister of Rural Development, who had assured me that this will be looked into positively this year. I will also be seeking the minister on the progress of the project.
In regards to the communal hall in Tuaran, though there is a delay, Datuk Hajiji had assured that it can be used during the harvest festival this year.”
Friday, January 8, 2010
Darkest Chapter in Malaysian History
Tuaran MP
UPKO Vice President.
Reaction to Church Bombing incident in KL.
What have happened over the last 24 hours is considered to be the darkest chapter in Malaysian History and from now on Malaysia will never be the same again. People all over the world have up to this time look upon Malaysia as role model in national integration due to its multi-racial and multi-religious society. However this has changed overnight due to action by irresponsible elements in our society who are bent on forging disunity among the people of this country. The recent episode not only have deeply marred Malaysia’s reputation as a role model in racial integration but have placed us on the same par with countries who are known to have experience racial and religious conflicts among their citizen.
I therefore urge the relevant authority to provide ample protection to church building and other properties own by Christian throughout the country, and to take urgent and effective step to prevent this incident from escalating. The burden of responsibility in ensuring the safety of its every citizen regardless of race and religion lies with the government we in the government would be held accountable.
Meanwhile I urge every Christian from all denominational faith to exercise full restrain and calmness in facing the current situation. Every Christian should from now hold special prayer session asking God for strength and patience in facing this situation. Every Christian should be guarded by the principle of love for God and love for mankind as outline in the Gospel of St. Matthew 5:44 where Jesus commanded every Christian to ‘Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.’ The first Pope, St. Peter in 1 Peter 3:8 & 9 said, ‘Be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous: Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing.’
May God Give us strength and inner peace”
Tuaran MP
UPKO Vice President.
Reaction to Church Bombing incident in KL.
What have happened over the last 24 hours is considered to be the darkest chapter in Malaysian History and from now on Malaysia will never be the same again. People all over the world have up to this time look upon Malaysia as role model in national integration due to its multi-racial and multi-religious society. However this has changed overnight due to action by irresponsible elements in our society who are bent on forging disunity among the people of this country. The recent episode not only have deeply marred Malaysia’s reputation as a role model in racial integration but have placed us on the same par with countries who are known to have experience racial and religious conflicts among their citizen.
I therefore urge the relevant authority to provide ample protection to church building and other properties own by Christian throughout the country, and to take urgent and effective step to prevent this incident from escalating. The burden of responsibility in ensuring the safety of its every citizen regardless of race and religion lies with the government we in the government would be held accountable.
Meanwhile I urge every Christian from all denominational faith to exercise full restrain and calmness in facing the current situation. Every Christian should from now hold special prayer session asking God for strength and patience in facing this situation. Every Christian should be guarded by the principle of love for God and love for mankind as outline in the Gospel of St. Matthew 5:44 where Jesus commanded every Christian to ‘Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.’ The first Pope, St. Peter in 1 Peter 3:8 & 9 said, ‘Be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous: Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing.’
May God Give us strength and inner peace”
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