Monday, April 19, 2010

Somebody had better tell the truth!


TUARAN MP, Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred M. Bumburing welcome the announcement by Home Minister Datuk Hishammudin Hussein that citizenship process may be shortened and said that the announcement by the Home Minister is timely. However, Datuk Wilfred Bumburing who is also UPKO deputy President said that the subsequent action by the National Registration Department (NRD) in the context of Sabah should be broaden to include children born of mix parentage where either the father or mother is of different nationality.

Bumburing said: “ In relation to this, I urge the NRD and the Home Ministry to look into the recent reply by the ministry on the same issue I raised in Parliament where I asked that ‘Those who are involved [children of mix parentage] have tried in vain for many years [to apply for Malaysian citizenship] but that their effort have been fruitless. The National Registration Department advised them to go to Putrajawa to be interviewed and for other requirements. Many among these people who are involved came from poor families and they have no money to travel to Putrajaya. Why not the Minsitry of Home Affairs authorized their officers in Kota Kinabalu to solve this problem? I urge the ministry concern to include this issue in their KPI. The people should be made the priority and to not make this a burden to them.’ In their written reply to my question and proposal, the Deputy Home Minister stated that they have never asked anyone from Sabah to present themselves in Putrajaya. However, I beg to differ. I receive two complaints from my constituency from two different people who have been asked by the Home Ministry to go the Ministry’s office in Putrajaya to present themselves there under Article 15A of the Constitution. One such letter was dated December 17, 2009 addressed to En. Imbul @ Stephen Bin Madulin Reference number KDN(S)158/560/2/2-62138 (S) and the other letter dated January 6, 2010 addressed to En. Joseph Bin Sambuling Reference number KDN(S):158/560/2/2-45210(S). The letter whose addressed on the letterhead is in Putrajaya asked both person to ‘hadir ke Kementerian ini dengan membawa surat ini dan dokumen yang berkaitan dengan permohonan tersebut. Wakil adalah tidak dibenarkan.’ The last phrase was printed in bold. I am perplexed and confused because what the Ministry said in reply to my proposal was totally different from what his officials are doing. I therefore urge the Minister to actually implement what he have announced not just in the context of Hulu Selangor, but in the contexts of Sabah and Sabah Pasok Momogun as well who have yet to be granted Malaysian Citizenship.”

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